Argh, it's Portuguese with you, sorry! Well, Germans usually don't think about genders and endings either. We just ... äh, know

. Ok, most of us do, some fail

"rufen" only works without any technical support. It's more like "shout" than "call". When using a phone it's "anrufen".
"Mädchen" is easy, as it follows one of the few gender-rules: Any diminution (ending in
-chen or
-lein) by definition is neutral disregarding the original gender. So just wee-ify anthing and be happy with "das" (especially as German - other than some German accents - doesn't differ in singular or plural either as soon as a word is diminured)

. Another very safe rule ist "
"-heit" and "
-ung" always beeing female (why ever).
Final cheat for starters: just add "-Dings da" (
thingy) to any noun and again it's neuter: "
der Hund" aber "
das Hunde-Dings da", "die Katze" = "das Katzen-Dings da".

. German IS easy...

So as this isn't completely off topic... I hadn't realized you cut up the kiosk before you showed it! I didn't get them yet. I should get a couple... such nice colors too 
Well I got that cue and try to deliver some new pics on topic
