Author Topic: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways  (Read 9782 times)

Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2017, 10:49:16 »
Argh, it's Portuguese with you, sorry! Well, Germans usually don't think about genders and endings either. We just ... äh, know  ::). Ok, most of us do, some fail  8-).

"rufen" only works without any technical support. It's more like "shout" than "call". When using a phone it's "anrufen".

"Mädchen" is easy, as it follows one of the few gender-rules: Any diminution (ending in -chen or -lein) by definition is neutral disregarding the original gender. So just wee-ify anthing and be happy with "das" (especially as German - other than some German accents - doesn't differ in singular or plural either as soon as a word is diminured) :lol:. Another very safe rule ist "-keit", "-heit" and "-ung" always beeing female (why ever).

Final cheat for starters: just add "-Dings da" (thingy) to any noun and again it's neuter: "der Hund" aber "das Hunde-Dings da", "die Katze" = "das Katzen-Dings da".  ;). German IS easy...  :).

So as this isn't completely off topic... I hadn't realized you cut up the kiosk before you showed it!  I didn't get them yet. I should get a couple... such nice colors too :love:
Well I got that cue and try to deliver some new pics on topic  :).

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #61 on: July 13, 2017, 12:23:46 »
Back to railways ???  ;)

Offline tahra

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #62 on: July 13, 2017, 13:04:30 »
Argh, it's Portuguese with you, sorry! Well, Germans usually don't think about genders and endings either. We just ... äh, know  ::). Ok, most of us do, some fail  8-).

Right!  It's a mess when you have to think about it..

"rufen" only works without any technical support. It's more like "shout" than "call". When using a phone it's "anrufen".

 :-[ I knew it sounded off somehow.. but didn't check  ::)

"Mädchen" is easy, as it follows one of the few gender-rules:

I know those rules (well, kinda).. but it makes no sense AT ALL that "girl" is not feminin. A chair/table/car/whatever... I suppose one makes as much sense as the other - we don't have a neutral.

Final cheat for starters: just add "-Dings da" (thingy) to any noun and again it's neuter: "der Hund" aber "das Hunde-Dings da", "die Katze" = "das Katzen-Dings da".  ;). German IS easy...  :).

That is something else. Just as I refuse to refer to a cat as "it" in english, I can't refer to a male cat as "sie" in german. Can't. Won't. And certainly not a "thingy" either!

Back to railways ???  ;)

 :-[  I suppose.  :P

I love the pics (and making-ofs in general!  :love: ), but I don't have the knowledge to understand any of the "technical" parts. I only have a couple of RC trains and some track, along with a western loco that I have no idea if it works - and never will.

I am jealous of such a nice space to make a permanent display..

Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #63 on: July 13, 2017, 14:30:18 »
I am jealous of such a nice space to make a permanent display..
...sagt die, die uns hier mit ihrem Playmobil-Zimmer-Prozess die Tränen in die Augen treibt  8-).

Back to railways ???  ;)
Wenn's unbedingt sein muß...  :lol:

Tender engine reversing into its siding - die Schlepptenderlok setzt gerade in ihr Abstellgleis zurück.

Left a scratchbuilt tender engine with coaches; right an LGB Nuremberg-jubilee-train.

Links eine Eigenbauschlepptenderlok mit langen Personenwaggons; rechts der LGB-Nürnberg-Jubiläums-Zug.

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Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #64 on: July 13, 2017, 14:31:46 »
I love the pics (and making-ofs in general!  :love: ), but I don't have the knowledge to understand any of the "technical" parts. I only have a couple of RC trains and some track, along with a western loco that I have no idea if it works - and never will.
Why so sure it never will?

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #65 on: July 13, 2017, 21:19:21 »
Your layout is looking great, Stefan; lots of play hours to come.

In English, "bark" can be used about speaking as in "The sergeant-major barked out an order and the soldiers obeyed immediately."
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Offline tahra

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #66 on: July 14, 2017, 07:49:27 »
..sagt die, die uns hier mit ihrem Playmobil-Zimmer-Prozess die Tränen in die Augen treibt  8-).

Yes, but I don't have that kind of space :(

right an LGB Nuremberg-jubilee-train.

Looks amazing.. but klickys don't fit there, right?

Why so sure it never will?

Because it is the only "electric" train thingy we have, and no plans for others...

In English, "bark" can be used about speaking as in "The sergeant-major barked out an order and the soldiers obeyed immediately."

Yes, though in a different way than portuguese.. I don't think our officers "bark" orders...

Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #67 on: July 14, 2017, 08:08:08 »
Doch, man kann schon Klickys in die LGB-Waggons und Loks setzen. Geht. Klickies would fit inside LGB engines and coaches.


P.S. Der Nürnberg-Jubiläumszug ist von LGB. Das paßt nur bedingt zu Playmobil, ebenso wie die Pikoloks. Hauptunterschied zwischen Playmobil und LGB ist, daß nahezu alle LGB-Modelle in echt Schmalspurbahnen sind. Das heißt, die Gleise liegen enger beieinander als bei der Regelspurbahn. In Deutschland sind die Harzer Schmalspurbahnen und der Rasende Roland auf Rügen die bekanntesten Vertreter, in der Schweiz der Glacierexpreß. Typisches Kennzeichen der Schmalspurbahnen ist der Mittelpuffer. Playmobil hat hingegen immer Regelspurmodelle angedeutet, Doppelpuffer verwendet und ist natürlich von der ganze Machart her ein wenig runder und knubbeliger als die doch oft sehr filigrane LGB. Der Maßstab von 1:22,5 ist aber in etwas derselbe wie Playmobil.

The Nuremberg-Jubilee-Train ist made by LGB and therefore not entirely matching Playmobil. Mainly that's for LGB used to produce ligth railway* stuff only, that's coaches, trucks and engines running on Harzer Schmalspurbahnen, the Rasender Roland on the island of Rügen or Swiss Glacier Express. Though these are "proper" trains their rail distance is smaller than a regular track's one. Most significant are central buffers. Playmobil however always used double buffers and its design of course is more tubby than the often quite detailed LGB Models. None the less it's roughly Playmo-scale 1:22,5.

That's quite a lot of railway special vocabulary - Gordon feel free to correct wrong terms if you please  :-[.
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Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2017, 08:09:55 »
Because it is the only "electric" train thingy we have, and no plans for others...
Keine Schienen und Trafo? Die gibt's inzwischen recht preiswert, das lohnt sich schon. No tracks or trafo? They're easy to be acquired and worth it.

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Offline tahra

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Re: Dachbodenbahn - Attic Railways
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2017, 09:09:55 »
Klickies would fit inside LGB engines and coaches.

Considering the .. special proportions of the klickys, if things aren't made for them, usually it doesn't work too well if they are supposed to sit in them...

* That's quite a lot of railway special vocabulary - Gordon feel free to correct wrong terms if you please  :-[.


No tracks or trafo? They're easy to be acquired and worth it.

Nothing else. Just that set, the western loco, used (and has seen better days). And since we have a bunch (well, not much, in reality, given the huge scale) of the RC track and a couple of locos (or whatever the name is  :-[ ) ... we will stick with it.

Also, we don't really go much for blinky winkies (or moving stuff) anyways.