I feel he's making a mountain out of a molehill, and I suspect that few people would interpret he wording as he has. Certainly, to say (as he apparently has according to the report) that the wording is "anti-Jewish, if not even, anti-Semitic" seems a step too far as it implies that the wording was meant purposely to offend. His comments would have been better phrased if they had suggested that the wording could be interpreted as being anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic. In older books it is common where one part ends and another starts to have a clear delineation in a different or larger print face, so the layout is not uncommon.
Having said that, with the growing tensions in the world and the rise of extremist parties and factions, I can appreciate the professor's concern, especially as he is Jewish, that the wording could be used in an anti-Jewish way, especially by extremist right wing groups wanting to influence children and young people.
Unfortunately, he has drawn their attention to the way to do this.