Author Topic: 9237 English cop - real?  (Read 7381 times)

Offline playmofire

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #40 on: December 02, 2016, 14:08:18 »
If you do an order, Graham, I'll have three please.  One or two are for a collector in Germany.
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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #41 on: December 02, 2016, 15:52:08 »
Here's an update on buying from Hamley's.

The figure doesn't appear on their website and, indeed, when I tried just now to get on to it it came up with "Service unavailable".

I've had an exchange with Customer Services ( who have been very helpful and told me that the figures are in stock, £7.50 each or two for £12, plus £9.99 postage.  This is higher than postage from their website, but there doesn't seem to be any choice. 

Customer services gave me their 'phone number - 03717041977 - and I rang them and they then put me through to the sales floor.  I have ordered four, one for me, one for an overseas member, and two spare.  I am offering these to Graham and Skypurr if they want them.

Quick decisions seemed necessary, so I hope I have not offended anyone.
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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #42 on: December 02, 2016, 15:53:45 »
Hmm.... Anyone in the UK able and willing to organise a collective order?

Hi Hadoque, I will make if five, so one for you, too.
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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2016, 16:47:39 »

I've got six coming and they will be with me on Wednesday next week.
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Offline GrahamB

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #44 on: December 02, 2016, 16:59:15 »
Thanks Playmofire! I also had a conversation with Hamley's Customer Services today and asked about the possibility of buying 50+ of this set. They do have sufficient stocks. The current special offer price is (as you said) two for £12 and this offer may be valid for a couple of weeks yet. I hinted at further discounts for large orders but none was forthcoming. What I forgot to ask about was shipping and I wonder how many sets they would despatch for £9.99?

I am willing to make a large order and ship to Playmofriends worldwide. If anyone is interested please tell me in the topic here
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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2016, 17:13:37 »
Certainly, six sets fall within the £9.99, but £50......?  maybe yes as they are light enough.

Presumably, you won't want one from me if you going ahead with a bulk order. 
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Offline GrahamB

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2016, 17:52:39 »
Thank you Playmofire but I think I will order my own (though I will have to wait a bit longer :'() as I want several! (Mind you I prefer the older Playpeople helmet!).
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2016, 23:12:44 »
Are we expecting this to be a very limited run? The last Hamley's Special - the soldier in the Bearskin - was around for a while, though I'd have thought it was much more saleable (Are policemen in those helmets considered a very British thing abroad? I'm not sure I've ever seen a policeman wearing one in real life)

Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2016, 07:10:51 »
(Are policemen in those helmets considered a very British thing abroad? I'm not sure I've ever seen a policeman wearing one in real life)
Sounds as if you,'re a Brit? I would definitely say it's very British in general, yes. Even though the form displayed here seems a bit 'flat' to me, reminding me more to a topee. Guess it's like a Pickelhaube (kaiser helmet) being considered very German though I've never seen one in real life  8-).

Ja, eindeutig britisch - auch wenn's ein wenig mehr nach einem Tropenhelm aussieht, so von der leicht angeflachten Form her. Aber das ist wohl wie mit der Pickelhaube. Die ist auch typisch deutsch, und ich hab noch nie eine in echt gesehen  8-).

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Re: 9237 English cop - real?
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2016, 07:28:40 »
The helmet isn't the correct shape, it's too flat.  The mock-up box of the London bus with the policeman standing alongside it has a more correct shape for the helmet.

Nowadays, however, police in the UK wear a flat, military style cap, basically because there is little patrolling the beat on foot today, it is done in a car and the old style helmet cannot be warn in a car as it is too tall.
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