I'll be coming up with something soon, now that contests for August are over on other boards, & the diorama contest is done on the PCC. My biggest problem is that I don't watch movies in the theatre - I haven't "been to the movies" in about 15-20 years, & the only things I watch on the computer are films from the 1930s up through the 1960s, but not beyond. We have TV but I never watch it, & I'm not even sure if we have cable - we have what we need to get Internet & that's it.
I'm an old-time horror & sci-fi fan, so I'll probably have to come up with some sort of creature or BEM! Again, I don't like anything made after 1970, so maybe a '40s Frankenstein or a '50s radioactive beast.... I'm horribly behind the times, but modern gore & blood-n-guts sci-fi is not my thing.
The last movie I saw new in the theater was Ed Wood Jr. That was awhile back.
This is my YouTube site (The Radio Ghost) which has a lot of the things I like to get into: