I know it has been slow the last little while, but I am now getting down to the nitty-gritty and the last few sets are few and far between MISB. I do have a few treasures coming (going back to that talk about "The place" that has a lot of old MISB sets)
In the meantime I picked up this advert off e-bay from Germany, it may not be of interest to most as it is not a toy, but I do so enjoy the old way Playmobil used to advertise with dioramas. Even the ones that may cause a stir here in Canada since most of us cannot read German Deutsch though I am slowly learning it on my own and just take a glance at a picture and think it means something else. (Cause you know when you have Natives and Union soldiers on the frontier mixed with 1980's misconceptions you are bound to have some fun.) So without further ado...
I apologize about the glare, it is just currently still sealed the way it came until I have time to get it framed.
Overview of full advert
If only we could get sparks when we applied the breaks on our electric trains.
But here is the thing, if you read the advert it says:
Die Geschichte vom unvorsichtigen Sergeanten, dem ,,Schnellen Kojoten" und einem wildgewordenen Feuerroß.
Der Häuptlingssohn ,,Schneller Kojote” saß ruhig auf seinem Pony und beobachtet einen Sergeanten, der an den Eisenbahnschienen entlangritt. Plötzlich stieß die heranbrausende Lokomotive einen schrillen Pfiff aus. Das Pferd des Sergeants scheute. Der Reiter stürzte auf die Schienen und blieb dort reglos liegen. ,,Schneller Kojote” klammerte sich an den Hals seines Ponys und galoppierte los. Der Zugführer versuchte die Lokmotive zu bremsen – aber sie war nicht mehr weit von dem ohnmächtigen Sergeanten entfernt...
Und wie geht es weiter? Wird der Zug noch rechtzeitig zum Stehen kommen? Wird der Sergeant wieder aufwachen und sich in Sicherheit bringen? Oder wird ,,Schneller Kojote” ihn retten? Eurer Phantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Viel Spaß beim Weiterspielen.
English translation:
The story of the careless sergeant, the "fast coyote" and a wild rogue.
The Chief's son, "Quick Coyote", sat quietly on his pony, watching a sergeant who walked along the railroad tracks. Suddenly, the approaching locomotive aroused a shrill whistle. The sergeant's horse shied. The rider collapsed on the rails and remained motionless there. "Quick coyote" clung to the neck of his pony and galloped. The train driver tried to slow down the locomotive, but she was not far from the powerless(sic) sergeant.
And how does it continue? Will the train stop in time? Will the sergeant wake up again and get safe? Or will "Quick Coyote" save him? There are no limits to your imagination. Have fun playing.
I just love how Playmobil again and again sets up the story so well and lets the child's imagination take over to carry it out. Playmobil has never been a toy that played itself, it always let the "child" come up with their own stories without restrant.
This is where I personally believe that Playmobil needs to head back to, using advertisement that engages the child, not just splat a whole bunch of sets on a sheet of paper and call it a day.