Part 5 - Feeding Time'And what are these?' asked Toby.
'Orangutans,' said Mummy.
'Can I have some candy?' asked Toby.
'No, not before lunchtime,' said Daddy.
'What about an ice-cream, then? I am a bit hungry again,' said Toby.
'We'll have ice-creams this afternoon,' said Mummy, 'Though, actually, I'm getting a bit hungry too. I think we should have an early lunch.'
'Are we going to see the chimps first?' asked Toby.
'No, we'll see the chimps later,' said Mummy, 'If I remember the map correctly, there is somewhere to eat along here, just past the giraffes. So I think we'll go that way for now.'
'Well, here we are at the giraffes,' said Daddy.
'Daddy! We can feed them!' said Toby, 'Oh, can we?'
'I don't want to feed giraffes,' said Daddy.
'Just Toby and I will go and feed them, then. It will be a lovely experience for him,' said Mummy.
'Hello sir,' said Toby to the zookeeper.
'I never thought I would be feeding giraffes!' said Toby.
'You can stroke them too,' said the zookeeper, 'Nice and gently, and they will like that.'
'That was marvellous,' said Toby.
'Did you wash your hands well?' asked Mummy, 'Because we are going to find the place for lunch now.'
'Wait a minute,' said Toby, 'There are toy giraffes for sale, can I have one, please.'
'No, you already have a toy camel,' said Daddy.
'But I fed
and stroked the giraffes,' pleaded Toby.
'And in the Children's Zoo, I expect you'll feed and stroke all manner of sheep and goats and rabbits and who knows what, but you can't have a toy every time you touch an animal, said Daddy, 'Otherwise, next thing we know, you'll be wanting a toy cat because you stroked the neighbour's cat, or you'll be wanting twenty toy sparrows because you put food out for the sparrows in winter. It was different with the toy camel, because you had
ridden one.'
'OK,' said Toby, 'Though I really wouldn't want any toy sparrows, honestly.'
'Is this the place to eat?' said Mummy, 'It seems to be just serving fries. That's not the sort of meal we want.'
'I like fries,' said Toby.
'There's an information stand down here,' said Mummy, 'Let's go and ask if there is somewhere where we can get a full meal.'
'The Steakhouse Restaurant will now be open,' said the man at the information booth, 'It is situated behind the Pyramid Gift Shop, but you can take a Tour Car there and back. You can hail any empty Tour Car and it will stop for you; or there is a Tour Car Stop near the Photographer's Studio.'
'It's not far back to the Photographer's Studio,' said Mummy, 'We can go and pick up our photos, and then take a Tour Car to the Restaurant.'
And so, arriving back at the Photographer's Studio, the photos were collected.
'Oh, they are lovely!' said Mummy.
'Now let's go and wait for a Tour Car.'
'This is fun,' said Toby.
'Nearly there now,' said Daddy.
'Oh, there's entertainment too,' said Mummy, 'Maybe a pianist or violins.'
'Look!' cried Toby, 'There's a peacock with his tail up!'
Tomorrow: Part 6 - At the Steakhouse Restaurant