Thanks for the comments everyone. Since I have had it up for a couple of months the details keep getting added on as I think of things. The leaf blower guy for instance just went on this weekend.
I really treat all my Playmo equally - if it fits at all of course I use it. Having pieces from thirty years ago along with last week is part of the charm of using Playmobil at all - it all fits even if the styles have shifted a bit over the years.
Those beach toys - totally agree Tahra, I had a ton of them and thought finally I could make use of them.
Yes the red bike is a moped or a scooter in American English, typically that style would be called a scooter.
I played around a bunch with the hotel shape trying to get in all the parts I wanted - it was important to me to have a bigger lobby area with a proper gift shop and a cafeteria, and also to fit in a cleaning department with the maids and washing machines. I ended up using two hotels and two Suite add ons to get the look I wanted. There is one small section of flooring where the second floor joins together that I made up out of small wall pieces but it isn't too noticeable, even though the color doesn't match up with the cream floors.