As I am currently gathering all playmobil again from its hiding place to prepare for my next story, I think it might be a good opportunity to maybe buy a new storage box or such and organise my collection a bit further.
Last year I did pick up a rather large but low storage box with many little compartments to store weapons and shields. It's quite full already.
Other than that I put horses in a box thats already too small to store them all, and the box I have for medieval clickies is nearly full.
And all other stuff is.. everywhere. I have a box for medieval stuff and one for trees and rocks, and furthermore I have all the steck houses stored in a closet completely build up along with some castle pieces that wouldnt fit in the 3666 box.
I also have kept the box of the arena which is stored in there along with all the other roman stuff I have. Theres enough extra space for it so far.
And the box for the egyptian house I also kept, it holds the house and also all middle eastern and eastern clickies.
Oh and all pirate stuff is kept on a shelf in a closet. Clickies, ships, a fort, accesoires, everything.
So yeah.. its all a bit messy and I could use some advice on my next step. I do prefer to try it one step at a time to keep a good overview of what size box I'll need for that step and then I can later proceed from there when I see what kind of space I freed up.
But what to start with?
Currently I am considering the following:
-Large box to store all the new steck. (I tend to keep the fresh DS steck seperate from the second hand steck.)
-some manner of box with compartments for medieval accesoires. (since its furniture, plates, food, barrels, etc. I am not sure what kind of box to go with.)
-Second box for medieval clickies, to maybe seperate civilians from soldiers. Or maybe a larger box with compartments for further division?
Other suggestions are welcome too of course, it could be something I didnt think of yet. I welcome all advice.