Thank you all for praise.
However, I must admit ... The first question that came to my mind was, "What is the "dirty old man" doing?"
Sorry ...
Hm, good question. Maybe I was influenced by real live because the days before our rabbit got an injection for treating his mange he's currently coping with. And to be honest the first setup for this pic was with a rabbit, but I got the problem that he's to small (to near to the ground) and the vets can't bend over enough to make a good photo so I decided to replace the animal by another wildlive one and the fawn was the next I got into my hands. Maybe he's giving an injection/vaccination for ... let's say rabies -- does this make sense? (Don't know, I'm no vet)
No need to apologize, legitimate question I really love your scenes, Jochen! I just wish that I could get you interested in Playmobil Toy Soldiers so that everyone over at GW-PC could also enjoy your beautiful work!
I'm sorry to say so, but I think the chances of me going into soldiers are currently not very high
(You know, I'm more with the modern themes) Although I must admit, that I'm currently customizing some pirates which are actually not my topic, so maybe ...
And maybe there is the one or other that can enjoy my work anyway, because I also must admit that I'm always very impressed about those gardenwargaming (general spoken) setups in size and detail, although it's not my theme.
Alternatively, get the folks at GW-PC interested in wildlife.
Touché -- well countered.
Actually, the boys over at GW-PC are very interested in animals, Gordon!
Just take a look at the photos ...
Well, yes, indeed it seems so ... but I think their intention is a little bit different one than the one I had into mind