Author Topic: The Rescue of Captain  (Read 4219 times)

Offline Mr Raven

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The Rescue of Captain
« on: January 14, 2016, 13:44:40 »
At one morning the tabletop gang was making their plans for the day, except mummy giraffe who was still having breakfast. Baby Penguin said to his Cousin Penguin "Let's go to the library, you need some education".

 Then Dwarf said "I'm going to a meeting of pacifist dwarfs with my weapons, to show examples of horrible tools for fighting".

 Then Otter said "does anyone want to join me? I'm off to the old lighthouse to have a close look at it". Pig and Hyena said "we're coming with you, who knows what we will find there". And off they went.

 When they got closer Otter said "i wonder how old it is, maybe ten years".

Pig, who was a bit older then the other two said "i think it is fifty years old".

"It still has a light on the top" said Hyena.

Pig said "they must have put a fake light in, this lighthouse is no longer in use".

Looking through the gate Pig said "There's only dust and some barrels".

Then Hyena cried "look, there are some bones behind the barrels!"

Otter said "but we can't get in so no bones for you today".

 Then they went up the lighthouse while Hyena was muttering that it was a shame to leave those bones lying there .

 While they were on top and admired the view, they heard a voice say: "Who was it that woke me up?"

 The three wondered who had said that and went back down again, and at the closed gate they saw a skeleton standing behind it.

Pig said "I guess we have woken you, but who are you?"

The skeleton said "They call me Captain".

 Hyena said, "are there some more bones in there?"

Otter said "But why are you in there?"

Captain said "i was the captain of a pirate ship and we were the most succesfull pirates ever. But some day my enemies caught me by surprise and took me here and locked me up and i have been here ever since".

"So how long have you been in there?" Otter asked.

Captain said "I'm not sure, i lost count of the years. What year is it now?"

"It is the year 2016" Pig said.

"Then i have been here for 366 years!" said Captain. "Can you help me out of here?"

"I don't think we can but maybe Dwarf can do something to that old padlock".

 "We will get him and be right back, we will help you out of there!" said Pig, and off they went.

 When they came back Dwarf looked at the old padlock and said "that is a fine old padlock, but not made by dwarfs. I think i can break it.

 Stand back everyone, then i can hit the padlock with my axe".

With one hard strike Dwarf broke the padlock off.

 When the padlock broke the captain pushed the gate open and walked out and said "arrr finally i can stretch me old bones in the open again!" Hyena hurried in to see whether there were more bones in there.

 Captain said "Thank you all for getting me out of this dungeon". "We're glad to be of help" said Dwarf, "even if it's helping a pirate". "Me thinks me pirate days be over" said Captain.

 "I wonder where me mates are, perhaps they gave up searching for me and went home". I guess i will be going home as well, but without a ship it will be hard to get there".

 Otter said "Perhaps we can help you getting home again too, let's ask Grandpa, he'll know how to get you home".

 Off they went to where the rest of the gang was.

Part two tomorrow.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 13:58:35 by Mr Raven »
When thinking outside the box you make the greatest things happen.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 18:27:51 »
Love it, great story so far!  No extra bones for hyena today I guess.

Offline PCV106

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 18:30:16 »

For start, I want to tell you that I love animals.
Your story so far sounds very interesting and original!
Looking forward for more...

Friendly, Vasiliki
I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline Birdie

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 18:43:55 »
Love the plot twists  ;D

Offline tahra

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2016, 21:49:49 »
That's great! ;D

Otert's further adventures! :love:

Great posing too - and Hyena's obsession with the bones, being so near Captain...

Looking forward to more..

Offline Mr Raven

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2016, 05:04:37 »
Thank you for the nice comments!

And here is part two:

 When they got to the gang it was a great surprise.

Pyjama boy and Tigger were scared stiff by the sight of Captain, and they cried "AAAAH, a walking skeleton"! Pyjama boy fainted and Tigger ran away.

 But the others welcomed him. Especially Toddler, 80s Girl and Parrot were glad to meet Captain.

Cousin Penguin said "he's a bit skinny, isn't he"?

 Captain said "That's a nice parrot you got there young lady, i used to have one too, but it died unfortunatly".

Toddler said "cuddle"!

 Otter told the whole story to Grandpa and asked whether Grandpa could help getting Captain back home.

 Grandpa asked Captain where his home was and Captain said "it's a little island south of the Caicos islands. It's not on any sea map, but i'll know how to find it".

Grandpa said "then we need a boat. I know a place where we can rent one and as i have been boating in my younger years i can sail it".

"Arrr, that's me helmsman, now we need some more as a crew, sailing doesn't go by itself you know".

 80s Girl said "Parrot and me like to come!"

Otter, Pig and Hyena liked some more adventure too and volunteered, and so did Baby Panda.

 Then Baby B asked Mummy Camel if she could go too, and Mummy Camel said "but you have to promise me to be carefull and to make sure you eat well".

 Captain said "well, it's not the most usual crew, but i think it will be allright. Let's find a ship"!

When Captain and his new crew were gone, Pyjama boy regained his consciousness and Tigger carefully sneaked back, asking with a shaky voice " that skeleton gone"?

At the boat rental dock the group was shown the available boats.

The boat rental man said "this is a fine fishing boat, me and my mates often go out to fish with it".

"Is there some fish left on it"? asked Otter.

But the Captain shook his skull and mutterred something like useless little tub.

 Then they were shown a motorboat.

"This one is fast but needs some minor repairs first" said the boat rental man.

"It doesn't even have a mast nor rigging on it"! Captain cried out.

 Then captain walked a bit further to an old party boat that was used at some funpark and exclaimed "Now THAT is a fine ship"!

"We will be renting this one then" said Grandpa with a smile.

 Once everyone was aboard and clear of the dock, Captain said "head for the west, helmsman"!

"Yes captain" said Grandpa.

Part three tomorrow.
When thinking outside the box you make the greatest things happen.

Offline tahra

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2016, 08:40:18 »


(and Hyena, Dino and Penguin looking after the fainted kid is GORGEOUSLY done!)

Offline PCV106

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 17:19:53 »
I think that they chose the right ship  ;D

friendly, Vasiliki

I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2016, 22:06:50 »
Great story as always what a lucky coincidence to find a pirate ship they could rent  :captain: :arrr:  setitng off on an exciting journey hopefully

Offline Mr Raven

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Re: The Rescue of Captain
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2016, 06:05:18 »
Thank you for the nice comments. They are a very sociable lot and especially Captain was glad they found a real ship.  :)

And here is the final part of the story!

 The crew was quickly getting used to life aboard the ship.

Grandpa said "Hyena, stop sniffing at Captain's bones and Captain, please stop teaching Parrot pirate talk".

 The captain was a very good navigator and soon they reached the island. "Captain bellowed "Land ahoy"!

Then, when they were close to the island, Captain ordered to drop anchor and cut the sails.

Meanwhile, at the island, the old crew of the Captain were not expecting any visitors, and Henry, who was using his laptop, suddenly saw the ship aproaching and cried to William and Charles "a ship is coming, and it looks ancient"!

 Captain's old mates were very surpriced to see him and his unusual crew.

 Captain was glad to see the old crew, and they had a lot to talk about.

Then Captain said "But where are the others?"

Henry said "they are off to live on an other island, with their fair share of the loot of course".

Then Captain said "and where's the ship"?

 Henry said "follow me, i'll show you. We sold it to a pirateship trader and with the money we bought this helicopter. We have modern days transport now".

 Meanwhile the gang was exploring the island and all the treasures.

80s Girl said "looking at all these treasures you really were succesfull as pirates. Did you win many battles then and was there much fighting?"

Captain said "well no, every time we came near a ship or fortress, the people on them were scared stiff and surrendered without a fight. Arrr, those were the days where we sailed the seven seas and looted many a ship. The loot was enough to last us a thousand years. We got quite a reputation".

Then Pig said "but how do you recognise eachother without any flesh or a body"?

 Captain said "We never had a body nor flesh, we've always been skeletons".       



The Tabletop Gang likes to say thank you to Raven for the help.  :) 
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:47:03 by Mr Raven »
When thinking outside the box you make the greatest things happen.