I want to see plYmobil brand become an internationally recognized brand of civility, tolerance, education, and to share the smile.
Civility in the form of portraying humans as doing their daily grind as the brand does so well. It just needs a few adjustments in the department of gender respect, cultural respect, ethnic respect. Move away from divisive elements such as blue for boys and pink for girls.
Tolerance in the form of not only making a ballance representation of the world, but also in how they are portrayed. Make sets that not only have the good whites with large castles but make sets that have the opposit. Have the whites in a smaller castle angry, while the happy darks are enjoying their festivities in a larger fancy castle. Put in Asians in fancy cars, they too like fancy expensive cars. Show the world what religon means to others. Geobra has done pagan, some native, lots of Christian, but isn't there more?
Education, similar to the recent space theme, why did it have to have a war going on, where there was the solar fan, metal detector type science. Show women in labs working with males. Have sets that show science doing science things. I am not a scientist if you noticed.
It's a toy for kids that will be adults tomorrow, best to give them the toys for the future we all want
I know what future I do not want, swat police, divided population, only one race can be good, ethnic/culture other than your own just needs a token representation