Hello to all!
Long time, long seeing
But I'm back and I have for you 5 more photos of my story...
There are problems on the way! For Rubi and the Pirates...
- That's my girl! We're coming for you Rubi. We'll get you out of there...
- Here! I''m gonna open this door in a minute!
- Some water?
- No no Captain! Wait! We cannot open this door that easy... come closer I'll show you...
Rubi explains...
- If we try to lift the chest from here or unlock the cage without its key, the rock will fall over my head and the map
will be destroyed for ever!
You must go to the "Valley of the dead" and find the
golden key and the
red diamond.
- Ok my girl! We'll sail for the dead! The ship waits for us. We'll come back for ya! Here, have this flask...
- And I'm leaving you this in case of need...
And the sun started to set. Rubi was left alone in her cage. She had to believe in the pirates' word. After all, she had an ace in her sleeve...