For my magical forest....
Of course! I should have thought of looking at that again for ideas!
I've been experimenting with trees, and yes, more leaves makes a lot of difference. And smaller trees as well: what was intended to just be branches put into the base and made into shorter trees. I'm intending to start the 'real thing' woodland area within the next day or two.
But I'm now aware of two more little problems. One is the amount of trees needed. I really thought that I had lots of trees. But my lots of trees is really not enough. And the other problem is my lack of small green bases to put the trees (and undergrowth/bushes/ferns) on. I thought I had lots of those too. But, again, there is not enough. I need the small bases, so that the trees and other green things can be close together. I don't have enough small green bases.
There are
sets that I want, so I don't want to buy tree parts and little green bases from Parts right now. I just wouldn't feel enough happiness in return for the money. I want to be happy about sets, not feeling 'oh yes, here they are,' about green bases. So I'm going to have to stick with what I have. And see what I can do with it.