Author Topic: SEVEN - A Victorian story!  (Read 10471 times)

Offline sunflower

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #20 on: December 13, 2015, 08:28:07 »
Beautifull scenes and pictures! I'm really enjoying this story. Thank you.
life in plastic it's fantastic

Offline Birdie

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #21 on: December 13, 2015, 10:11:38 »
This is absolutely amazing!  :love:  :love:  :love:
A Victorian story, with such beautiful pictures. It has the look and feel of those scenes on the back of Playmobil boxes in the eighties. You can really tell that you've put a lot of effort in every scene. I really like the signs you made and how you position the clickies.

The lighting and those backgrounds are stunning, did you really shoot your dioramas outside? Or are you very handy with photoshop?

I look forward to reading more  :)  I haven't been around much because of my newborn baby, but I sure hope the story continues so I have a lot to read up on when I get a chance.

Offline PCV106

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2015, 17:59:38 »
Great pictures, I feel sorry for Miss Dixie though.  :(

Yeah me too... Thank you!
You never know with Miss Dixie, hope springs eternal...


Beautiful photographs - and everything is so clean!

I have muddy cats who always like to sit right on top of Playmobil to have a good scratching session, so that seems amazing to me.   :)

Lol! I have cats too. Especially the youngest one seemed to enjoy the view form the top of every diorama I make  :lol:

Beautifull scenes and pictures! I'm really enjoying this story. Thank you.

This is absolutely amazing!  :love:  :love:  :love:
A Victorian story, with such beautiful pictures. It has the look and feel of those scenes on the back of Playmobil boxes in the eighties. You can really tell that you've put a lot of effort in every scene. I really like the signs you made and how you position the clickies.

The lighting and those backgrounds are stunning, did you really shoot your dioramas outside? Or are you very handy with photoshop?

I look forward to reading more  :)  I haven't been around much because of my newborn baby, but I sure hope the story continues so I have a lot to read up on when I get a chance.

Thank you all for your comments. Now I feel much better and not alone!!
Yes my dear birdie. My dioramas are always made outside in my balcony. I shoot pictures with a natural light, then I use photoshop when needed to make them look more natural...
Congratulations on your newborn baby!!!
Love to see you all again...
Thank you!

Lets go a little bit further...

Late at the next noon, around 12 o’clock Father John headed for the city’s main market. Outside of it, at the small square and while happy clowns have come to advertise their tonight’s show, famous “Circus Romani”, Father’s glance fall over at a rather awkward event. Two police officers were yelling at a poor beggar.

He approached them and asked politely for the reason. The officers speaked for him in such a nasty way. They said that this man have lost everything in his life because of his laziness and now begs for others people kindness. He lost his fortune, his job, his family and became an alcoholic mumper. Sloth is a big sin for Mr. Benjamin.

At the markets entrance, Father John met the city’s mayor. He has just invited John for dinner at his place this evening. Father accepted with joy.


Have fun!!
Friendly, Vasiliki
I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline tahra

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2015, 20:58:04 »
I have been following this...

Mr.Crow is a middle age man, rather tall with a tough face.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:  The "rather tall" cracked me up :D

Lol! I have cats too. Especially the youngest one seemed to enjoy the view form the top of every diorama I make  :lol:

I don't think a dio would survive our current brood.  ::) 

My dioramas are always made outside in my balcony. I shoot pictures with a natural light, then I use photoshop when needed to make them look more natural...

That explains the great pics then ;)

I suppose you need sun, no rain, no strong wind... no?

Offline PCV106

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2015, 21:22:33 »
I have been following this...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:  The "rather tall" cracked me up :D


I don't think a dio would survive our current brood.  ::) 

That explains the great pics then ;)

I suppose you need sun, no rain, no strong wind... no?

More or less. The worst think is wind.
I live at the 6th floor and when it blows, you can't even stand at the balcony!

Thank you for your comments!
Glad you follow my story!

Friendly, Vasiliki
I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline PCV106

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2015, 19:18:56 »
... (here we go again...)

In the market Father John have found all the products of the earth!

Fishes, Fruits and Vegetables, meat, poultry, hunting food as well in vast amounts with their owners shouting for the customers to come.

At one moment, his glance fell over to a really “fat” man. He couldn’t be no other but the husband of that lady he met once at the café.

A man seated, or I should say, almost lying down with basket of food close to him and eating with both hands.
Oh yes! That man was for sure the greedy Mr. Bakewell!

Have fun,  :xmascheer:
I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline PCV106

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2015, 17:39:54 »

Father John arrived at the Mayors mansion late at 8o’clock at that evening. The family of Lord Harry Edmond was one of the most old and famous families of the city. Every year each and one of the male members of it were chosen as Mayor from the city’s citizens. This year, things where about to change.

Lord Edmond has a daughter. Misses Madeline Edmond. Since she was a young girl, it was obvious that this girl would be different from the other girls of her age. Her restless and ambitious spirit would drove her in different directions. Her father, being incapable to resist to every will of his lonely child, send her to the best schools, brought to her the best teachers and offered her everything that a child, a teenager, a young lady could ever imagine. He never said “No” to her…

The thing that now Misses Medeline wishes for is to be the first female Mayor of the city. Father John met that “different” type of woman during the dinner that Lord Edmond offered to him at the night of Wednesday of 23 of May 1915.

That lady was rather snob! She looked at her fellow diners with a superior look! She couldn’t stop showing off her abilities and cleverness in such a way that one could really become mad about it. She talked to the mansions stuff in an offensive way. Father John though “that sometimes too much love for the children can really create monsters”. For sure that creature was a woman of arrogance!

I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline tahra

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2015, 21:21:29 »
Such beautiful pics...

Offline PCV106

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2015, 19:51:57 »
Such beautiful pics...


Lets go further...

That starry night, on his return to his home, Father John started to connect all these peculiar people that he met during the last couple of weeks at his new place of residence. There were 5 people, each one of them have one special nasty feature. GREED, RAGE, ENVY, SLOTH, ARROGANCE. Five sins of his faith. All of a sudden, he had a crazy thought about all these. Could this be possible for all these 5 people to connect with that advertisement on the newspaper? Could it be that Father John is the person that was asked for? The Godsend Punisher? Who was playing games with him?

His thoughts were interrupted by an awkward scene in the silent street. Next to the warehouses and the train station, he saw something that couldn’t except to see in that quiet suburban town. A woman dipped into sin of lust, a man, a paid love. There under the lamp’s light, a sinful transaction was taking place in front of the bishop’s eyes...

I LOVE Playmobil :captain:

Offline Tiermann

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Re: SEVEN - A Victorian story!
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2015, 15:41:33 »
Wonderful photography for this whole series, really enjoying it, thank you.