If it was meant to depict slavery, wouldn't the ship be run by white pirates and all the darker skinned ones have slave collars?
And btw, I love animals but the dancing bear did not offend me. It was historically accurate.
But this has nothing to do with anything. White people never had a monopoly on slavery!
As I said earlier, Ottoman Turks (definitely non-whites!) enslaved Europeans throughout the middleages and later, and Arabs did the same in North Africa up till colonial times.
The problem, as usual, is with globalization. PM is a European thing, it's hard for Americans to understand where we come from.
But people getting offended over nothing, what a silly thing. Ooooh, Im scarred ... Im gonna sue! Tsk. They're ruining a great toy for the rest of us, people like this woman. If you're offended, then don't buy it. As simple as that.