Author Topic: My birthday present  (Read 3077 times)

Offline DrDalek6

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My birthday present
« on: October 05, 2015, 21:29:36 »
Hey guys it's been a while since I've posted some photos (don't worry I've got plenty of them just never find time to upload them Action Man forum's the same!) so it was my birthday last Wednesday, and seeing as I know that I won't get nay toys from anyone else and certainly better than to ask my Mum for anything toy related (closest I normally get is a LEGO book which I can't complain at they do some decent books) so as per usual treated myself to something to open on my birthday and this is what I chose ...


 :love: £25 may be a fair amount of money to spend on a dragon but, I think it's money well spent love it so cool and just how you'd expect a dragon to look and very poseable, didn't occur to me to have him stood up only on his hind legs until I looked at how they'd posed him on the box plus he comes with a baby dragon (Puff!  ;)) in a very nice golden egg and with bones and the flames are very nice. The Knight I'm not so bothered about but, he looks better than I was expecting even the axe which was one of the 'bright oversized' weapons I didn't like the look of looked better e on the box and acceptable when I saw it in the flesh.

Close up in all its glory

My klickies felt obliged to wish me a happy birthday since I am their leader and creator otherwise they may not be allowed any birthday cake  :P  :bdaycake:  ;)


Family photo  ;)

Even the Action Men acknowledged that in the absence of any Action Man figures in Toysrus, Playmobil Dragons are pretty cool  ;D   

Offline Salamander

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2015, 21:32:56 »
Happy Birthday!  That dragon is very cool!

The Action Men look so *huge* next to the klickies! :o

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2015, 21:41:08 »
As it happened we were having a celebration day because the 18 month project of developing the allotment and creating a group to carry on looking after the allotment has now finished and BTCV/TCV was handing it back over to the community group HOPE which owns and runs 2 other plots on the site, it also signalled the end certainly for now of the Sheffield branch of TCV's volunteer group so it was both a very sad and very happy day but, at least we ended on a high note. So anyway enjoyed a good afternoon in the sun with good friends and good food as we had a BBQ and plenty of cake.

This was the cake one of the volunteers made and Mini Sarah made as a gift for our boss/leader to resemble her as she is also finishing

Because Mini Scott is a gentleman he let her ride his dragon (admittedly after being unceremoniously knocked off the dragon!) and pose for some photos I mean after all who wouldn't want to ride a dragon right?  ;) particularly on top of the clay pizza oven we are presently building

We also finally installed some mosaics which various people who volunteered on the plot worked on

Welcome to our plot 86  :)

Cool waves

Offline Tiermann

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2015, 22:41:23 »
Wonderful Scott, Happy Birthday!

Offline tahra

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2015, 07:36:05 »
Great pics! :)

(love that action man looking at the dragon)

Offline Lynx

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2015, 08:13:58 »
Happy birthday Scott! Cool pics.

(love that action man looking at the dragon)

like he's saying:'Hey, who dropped something on my head?'  :lol:
RANDOLPH, a comic with Playmobil! Click for part: [1] [2] [3]

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2015, 12:57:01 »
Glad you had a great birthday, Scott, and you and your colleagues have done a great job for HOPE.  All good wishes for your future projects.
“Today well-lived makes every yesterday a day of happiness to remember and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2015, 21:40:49 »
Wonderful Scott, Happy Birthday!

Thanks mate  :)

Great pics! :)

(love that action man looking at the dragon)

Thanks I wanted to try and pose them all differently figured at least one should be staring a t the dragon or little men. The guy with the brown hair who is looking confused at why the dragon is getting all the attention is Scott, the guy with the blue jumper and red hair is Jon, he's meant to look excited or at least as though he's celebrating not surprising since him and Scott share my birthday (they're 5 and 4 years old respectively). The guy in the middle with blonde hair and an orange jumpsuit is being obliging and looking into the camera.     

Happy birthday Scott! Cool pics.

like he's saying:'Hey, who dropped something on my head?'  :lol:

 :lol: As I say I thought he was just looking at them wondering why they were getting all the attention I mean surely Action men are much more interesting right? although of course Mini Scott and his guys would care  to disagree   ;) Maybe Scott wasn't holding onto that dragon egg quite as tightly as he should have been  :-[ 8} either that or possibly thinking boy if those little guys were hyper annoying before they're going to be even worse now that they've got a dragon and can come swooping in and dive bombing us!

Glad you had a great birthday, Scott, and you and your colleagues have done a great job for HOPE.  All good wishes for your future projects.

Aw thanks for the kind words we've certainly done a lot on the allotment we've built beds and compost bays, moved a shed and created a paved seating area around it and laid more slabs to form a central path and of course we're halfway through building our clay pizza oven.

We've had some good open days and other events and we've had a bed full of bright orange marigolds and narsturtiums this summer plus loads of veg to harvest namely an endless supply of spinach this year and last, giant leeks, loads of squash, courgettes, onions, garlic, potatoes, beans and tasty raspberries plus some more unusual crops  ;D   It's certainly been an eventful 18 months and hopefully they'll have a good group to carry on running the allotment I might even pop by myself if I get any spare time just a pity the volunteering with BTCV Sheffield has finished   :'( but, will carry on doing some conservation work just need to look more into different opportunities and what best suits me       

Offline Birdie

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2015, 15:21:45 »
Congratz on your birthday, the cake and the gifts!  :)  I always love seeing your pictures appear!

Offline DrDalek6

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Re: My birthday present
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2015, 21:07:49 »
Congratz on your birthday, the cake and the gifts!  :)  I always love seeing your pictures appear!

Thanks I'm glad you like my photos, although the cake was for all the volunteers I did make some apple cake which was slightly undercooked though it  certainly went down well which appears to be a common theme for anything baked  ;)