Author Topic: playmoportal shutting down :(  (Read 4197 times)

Offline playmofire

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Re: playmoportal shutting down :(
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2007, 04:35:20 »

i was kind of wishing that all the german friends could also speak english, since german is quite impossible for me to understand.
"Piraten" is the only word you need for understanding German in your case, cachalote. ;D
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Offline Tricornejock

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Re: playmoportal shutting down :(
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2007, 04:46:34 »

read and write isn't the most difficult in any languages, and write without grammatic mistakes isn't the most important here (Sorry for the languages teatchers...). If you are motivate and give you enought time, you will sure arrive to the best results. Language is only a same rule for millions people live "together", and if millions people can do it, you will be abble to do it too.

But, and this is right in any languages, on all forums, if a lot of people or some of this only, want be the most important or the chief and admin himself... do so as he is the only right... Like in the factory, the most difficult isn't a activity but sure to manage the qualitys and caracter of everypeople. A lot of people have difficulties to manage herself... I speak 2 ou 3 languages and see that everywhere the problems are coming from the mentality of humans, under more or less the same shape, too if they take a lot of forms. I make errors myself and like a lot of people, I'm not the best too, but I try to give a positiv reaction and learn about this to find a interresting way after. I never will have a statue anywhere, I'm a commun human like milliarden people, my two feet are well on the ground, even if my head is sometimes in the clouds. Write and speak is good, reflect and think is better.

Find informations by Internet isn't so complicate today, but find this on the nice place is not the most easier. If people would take a part and only a part, we will have a chance to change a little the ambiance of forums. If they try to give more (Informations....) as take a part (To be important....), I'm sure that we can all have access to the best results.

TJ ;)

Offline playmofire

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Re: playmoportal shutting down :(
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2007, 04:55:21 »
"Piraten" is the only word you need for understanding German in your case, cachalote. ;D
More seriously, you can manage quite well with a web translator such as or babelfish.  I mainly concentrate on the customs and comment with simple words and phrases which translate easily or use the emoticons (there are lots of these on some of the foreign (to me) language sites).  Again, when I post I post in simple English phrases with a web translation, using just the pictures with minimum words where possible.  On a couple of the German sites, I am working with a German fireifghter (and I must admit in recent weeks because of other demands of schools this has been neglected) on an English/German fire brigade dictionary using Playmobil, so I label my pics and details in English, he then labels them in German and then I post them.

But my advice is give it a try.  Find a board, register and introduce yourself and then just search on "piraten" or "figuren" or "uniforme".  You'll quickly get the feel of it and find other words you recognise or learn.
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Offline cachalote

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Re: playmoportal shutting down :(
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2007, 10:22:59 »
 :)you are quite right tricornejock - most of the problems are not in the tongue but in the brain.

 :)you are also right playmofire - with the translation engines i can get into german.
besides "piraten", i usually look for "pirat" and "piratenschiff".
"soldaten" and "matrosen" will do too, to look for the english, french and now also the spanish navy guys.
it is easy to do this on
maybe i will try it in the klickywelt forum too.
    honni soit qui mal y pense