Author Topic: 5598+5599 Figures 9  (Read 14963 times)

Offline tahra

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5598+5599 Figures 9
« on: July 28, 2015, 17:53:36 »
5598+5599 Figures 9

This series there was no figure that really stood out beforehand, like the gladiator and rocker on the previous one.

That said, the granny's white hair looked great from the start! Both boys and girls seem plagued with reeditions.

The mandatory warning:

I've been told I am sometimes harsh on my comments. Keep in mind I LOVE playmobil. Generally, it's GREAT. Without a doubt and by FAR, the GREATEST toy on the Universe. And also keep in mind that I've gotten a box of each boys and girls since the first series - meaning, despite all the "problems" I point out, they are VERY MUCH WORTH IT. We ALL know playmobil rules, so I suppose I tend to point out the problems. There are only so many ways of saying AWESOME, right?

Boxes are the same cheap looking ones like the latest series :(

(as you can see, the girls' has seen better days. :(  )

The papers (stinky lousy quality ones again):

And the packs:

In all the packs we opened, there were these extras:

Nice neckpieces and armor, and hats. Especially the mongolian's! :love:

However... This time there was trouble.. One of the diaper pants was missing a foot! And a frame was bent all to Tartarus - completely useless. Plus one of the docs was missing the notepad, AND one of tennis players didn't have the "bag" thing.

Would be a lot worse if I was a casual buyer. But not good. Not good at all. Dreadful.

One Zirndorf policeman had an extra helmet+pike and frame. Not complaining, but quality control (WHAT quality control?!) is completely off. I wonder how they control these. I mean, they DO, right?

(more later)

Offline Pynedor

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 22:21:27 »
Wow, you got these quite early. And nice extras again! I look forward to seeing the detailed pictures. :)

This series there was no figure that really stood out beforehand, like the gladiator and rocker on the previous one.

Isn't this the first appearance of that new red skirt? Whether it is or isn't, that looks nice.

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2015, 03:53:28 »
I'll buy that extra pickelhaube off you.
"We like things in little." - G. Stein  

Offline tahra

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2015, 07:32:23 »
Wow, you got these quite early. And nice extras again! I look forward to seeing the detailed pictures. :)

I posted when I got them.. They were out in the beginning of July. Just delayed with the review.. Work :(

Isn't this the first appearance of that new red skirt? Whether it is or isn't, that looks nice.

In red, I believe so. The play and give PINK fairy had it first.

I'll buy that extra pickelhaube off you.

Sorry, until I get to the victorian/naval military, I don't know if they are extra or not... If I don't get back to you then, remind me? (my poor tired old head)

Offline Pynedor

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2015, 21:46:00 »
I posted when I got them.. They were out in the beginning of July. Just delayed with the review.. Work :(

Ah, I must have missed that. ;)

In red, I believe so. The play and give PINK fairy had it first.


Offline Rhalius

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2015, 10:26:09 »
Overall I must say theres some nice figures there, more for the men than the women this batch.

I already ordered the ones I want and am expecting them any minute now.

Looking forward to more pictures of all the clickies though!

Offline tahra

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2015, 15:32:18 »
5598 Boys

1. General

A nice soldier, in green... I suppose he will make a fine commander for our couple of green naval soldiers. Not a favorite theme... And I'm not sure I like the fitting of that sword there.. But that is easy enough to fix.

The guy has a nicely printed torso, and proper hair!

2. Ranger

A pretty klicky. He kinda looks like a scout leader or something... or someone playing geocaching.

Nothing terribly exciting. One of his sleeves has a printing, matching the one in the chest - nice.

3. Zirndorf Policeman

Gah. Not only almost a reedition of the recent Zirndorf museum policeman, but also almost the victorian one. What a lack of imagination. Couldn't he at least come in a non-fat version? 

Also, keeping in mind these are SUPPOSED to be interchangeable, having ONE fat guy really defeats the purpose, does it not?

The sleeves are very very pretty, and make me want to keep them all!

4. Gladiator

Not very original in concept, but nice colors. Of course, he has THAT hair, and THAT head. Easy to fix. But WHY OH WHY?

On the plus side, the torso and legs have a pretty color :)  And so does that roman neckpiece.

As everyone knows by now, I'm not a fan of face-covering-helmets. Though it is a nice color.

Offline tahra

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2015, 15:33:50 »
5. Breakdancer

He looks terrible with the diaper full. The color of the hat (and shoes) is quite unfortunate..

The torso and arms are GORGEOUS though. And of course the hood.

6. Dwarf King

Beautiful colors (well, the green and gold - mixing the metal is kinda meh), and that "pirate bun" in white. A shame to reuse the SAME legs, again.

The crown and "cup" are that different, brighter gold.

7. Winged Ninja

He's very similiar to a previous figure, and an asian add on. Couldn't they make him at least another color?

Not that he's not a nice klicky, just a repeat - with the same problems - the belt is far too bulky, and the torso too garish, imo, for what a flying winged ninja is supposed to look like :P

All the wings/double-sword were packed like this:

8. Painter

Nothing terribly exciting, but a nice klicky. The sticker on the bucket is a nice detail.

A shame the reused parts - and the jacket IS kinda odd - after the mess in the legs and arms, the jacket is pristine. Could be expected if he wasn't wearing it during work, but then the sleeves would be clean too, right?

Offline tahra

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2015, 15:35:06 »
9. Mongolian Archer

Probably the highlight of the boys - gorgeous colors.

He's one of the best "served" figures. There's a LOAD of accessories. These still vary wildly.

The torso and skirt work beautifully together :love:

10. Indian Brave

Meh. An existing klicky. They couldn't even give him that gorgeous brown neckpiece.

AND the only skinny body on the Boys batch. Again, it renders the concept kinda pointless. You can't even trade the freaking arms! No, I'm not over THAT.

11. Tennis Player

Again, nothing very exciting, but at least not an existing one. The yellow hairband is really nice and I like the torso as well. Just like the previous tennis playing girl figure, he uses those modern invisible balls.

Wrist things leave me curious - will they last 30 years? I doubt it. :(

12. Dark Ghost

Meh. Available as a special, a couple of Halloween editions... And NO accessories. At all.

On the plus side, he's probably the easiest to id, and therefore avoid.

Offline tahra

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Re: 5598+5599 Figures 9
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2015, 15:36:07 »
5599 Girls

  1. Ice Queen

Looks beautiful. And the staff in that color is gorgeous too.

The skirt is a big waste under the big one...

The torso works great with both skirts though..

  2. Bride

Nice. She has a beautiful torso. Shame about the shoes.

The torso is also gorgeous from the back:

  3. Dancer

A nice klicky. That skirt is rather unusual.

The torso would be great as medieval or pirate, but the lack of speedo parts seriously cripple the potential.

BTW - printed head - and with the lack of quality, we get these:

GAH. This was VERY common among the ColaCao guys/mini Airgam Boys of old... but in playmobil?! Something you would NOT expect to see.. well, you wouldn't 10 years ago :(

  4. Doctor

A pretty doc.. 

The stethoscope is different, with the ear things connected. It makes it much easier to put on a head, but also limits the use to heads that are slotted for earrings, instead of just being "beard fit".

In the packs, they were all like these: