Left little choice, Ryan is forced to surrender to the soldiers and he is put in prison.

"Another one?"Nelson:
"Yes, not as many as I would have liked but it will do."Ryan:
"Just wait untill I get out of here, you will regret this!"With all the pirates cleared out of the harbour, the officers gather to congratulate themselves.

General Montcalm:
"It seems that was all of them. I can't understand how it got this far, you people should have done a better job."Admiral Wilkins:
"My apologies general, but we did not have the manpower. Have you seen the size of some of their ships?"Nelson:
"The important part is that its solved now, and we need to keep it that way."General Montcalm:
"See that you do. Now if you will excuse me, I require a moment alone."
"I would just like to congratulate you sir, you have done us a great service!"General Montcalm:
"Just doing my duty for King George. We can't have such ruffians make a mess of our beautifull cities. Now run along and prepare proper quarters for me in the city."Nelson:
"Yes sir."Inside "the sword and cutlass" the pirate captain Alfonso seems to be waiting for him, not with a sword or pistol, but with a glas of red wine.

"Looks like you really cleared them out of here, you did not capture or kill many of them though."General Montcalm:
"All in due time. We have them on the run. My soldiers will hunt them down. Thank you for your coöperation. You have proven most valuable once more."Captain Alfonso:
"And so have you, together we stand strong. Your troops take care of my rivals, and my information secures your promotions."In much less comforteable conditions, Ryan the Red, John the Falcon and Emily spend their time in prison.

"This is just the worst day.. first I got robbed, knocked out and now I wake up in prison too!"Emily:
"Something just isn't right. Those soldiers got here so fast. Someone must have helped them."Ryan:
"We need to work on a plan to get out of here! My ship is nearby, there is plenty of room for all three of us. Would you two like to join my crew?"John:
"Well if you can get us out of here, sure. I want to get back at Captain Grey's pirates for robbing me, but first we need to get out of here."Emily:
"Sure thing! I was not really part of any crew for a while anymore. It will be good to be out on the sea again."Ryan smiles.
"Alright! That's settled then! Now we just need to find a way to get out of here.."But Leon has good ears, and can hear them plotting their escape!

Softly he whispers:
"Psst! Hey there, you guys are thinking of getting out of here?"The three of them get up and move to the bars.

"Of course we are, anyone in prison would want to get out!"Leon:
"Right, but do you really have a ship nearby?"Ryan:
"It's right around the corner."Leon:
"Alright here is the deal.. with this general Montcalm chasing away all my poker buddies and forcing me to do more work than I want to, I want to get out of here. So I am going to let you guys out but I am comeing with you."The three of them smile and Ryon accepts.
"It's a deal!"
Leon opens the prison door and quickly they make their way to Ryan's ship.