Author Topic: Trouble in Port Westroger.  (Read 8599 times)

Offline hauden_lukas

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2015, 05:05:53 »
"Tolerance of pirates..."

I like that!  ;D

Please continue!

Offline Birdie

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2015, 05:44:21 »
Oooh yes, that last picture: Here comes trouble  ;D  :munch:

Now if only I hadn't just read Macruran's topic about those bayonets  ;)

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2015, 15:08:27 »
Oooh yes, that last picture: Here comes trouble  ;D  :munch:

Now if only I hadn't just read Macruran's topic about those bayonets  ;)

I'd been meaning to post about bayonets for some time and that picture spurred me on. I didn't want to make a personal reference though because I love this photostory and want it to continue!
"We like things in little." - G. Stein  

Offline Birdie

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2015, 17:28:12 »
I'd been meaning to post about bayonets for some time and that picture spurred me on. I didn't want to make a personal reference though because I love this photostory and want it to continue!

Oh yes, I didn't mean to be annoying, I was kidding. As a matter of fact, I don't really care either way, because I don't know the first thing about guns. That particular photo is still completely awesome, in my opinion  8-)

Please ignore me, Rhalius, I will go back to popcorn-munching now!  :)

Offline Basie10

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2015, 04:47:13 »
hey, good work.  I'm looking forward to the next installment.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2015, 19:19:48 »
((thanks everyone, and yes I did notice about the bajonets after that topic. I'll see about changing it for a future story but these pictures where shot a while ago so cant change that.  ;) ))

Some noise is heard at the gates of port Westroger, and Emily stops a pirate who runs past.

Emily: "Whoa there buddy, what's the rush? what's going on?"
Pirate: "The soldiers are coming! I got to warn the captain!"

As the pirate continues on his way, Emily makes her way to the docks.

Emily: "I don't know what they are up to but I rather not stay around to find out."

John Falcon was about to head of the city when he is stopped by the pirate he met earlier, he has returned with two friends.

Pirate: "So we meet again! Hand over that chest if you want to keep living!"
John: "I think theres worse things happening, look! there's soldiers marching in!"
Pirate: "No excuses, now hand over that chest!"

And the soldiers are indeed marching in, lead by general Reginald Montcalm.

General Montcalm: "Men, soldiers of Westport, the time has come to rid this once beautifull city of these filthy pirates! Capture those that surrender, shoot those who resist!"

Nelson: "You hear that Leon? General Montcalm has arrived and has given the order I've been waiting for a long time! We outnumber the pirates! We can win this! to arms!"

Leon: "Wait a minute, some of those people are my poker buddies! And they arent really causing much trouble here at the docks, they just fight each other a bit here and there but thats all."
Nelson: "Hush now Leon! No more gambling with pirates! I will make an honourable soldier out of you yet!"

John Falcon: "Look, we have to get out of here or they will shoot us!"

Pirate: "Good idea."

One of them knocks John unconcious with his pistol before they grab his chest and rush off to "the sword and cutlass."

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2015, 20:44:26 »
The redcoats are quick to attack the pirates, who are not planning to go down without a fight!

Shopkeeper: "No fighting, no fighting! Though if you need to fight, do it with one of my blades! the finest quality  in Westroger!"

Slowly the redcoats manage to push forward, but the old veterans are giving them a lot of trouble.

General Montcalm: "Drive them back men! Onwards!"

They manage to reach "the sword and cutlass" Where old captain Jones and his crew are fighting their way through the redcoats to get to their ship.

Captain Jones speaks to his men while shooting one of the soldiers and calmly puffing from his pipe at the same time: "We've sailed the seas for more than thirty years and faced tougher foes than this! We will carve ourselves a way to the ship boys!"
Captain Grey's pirates are running away from the redcoats to warn their captain, prefering to let the older pirates take care of them.

Meanwhile Emily has made her way to the docks where she encounters one of the marines.

Marine: "Hold it right there you pirate scum! You are not going anywhere save for a jail cell!"
Emily draws her sword. "Bring it on, I am taking this boat and you won't stop me!"
A dockworker screams in panic as he sees the two about to start opening fire with him in between.

Marine: "If you think you can pull that sloop loose from the dock and can paddle faster than this cannon here, go ahead and give it a try!"

Emily drops her weapons and raises her hands. "Alright! I give up! This is not worth risking my life for."
The poor dockworker runs off, the exitement becomeing too much for him.

One of the pirates runs into "the sword and cutlass"

Pirate: "Captain Grey! Captain Grey! The soldiers are attacking! We have to get out of here!"

Ryan the Red: "We should fight them together, they won't stand a chance!"

Captain Grey: "We don't need you slowing us down, boy. You stay right here or I will shoot you myself."
Captain Bill Black: "Stay out of our way or you will regret it."

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2015, 00:31:25 »
Great continuation! Some nice action as well as photography. Looking forward to seeing how things end up for the pirates! :arrr:
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2015, 13:42:33 »
Captain Grey and Black boldly move out of the tavern with their men to try and cut themselves a way through the soldiers.

Rowena: "We have cleared a way to the ship, captain Black."
Bill Black: "I still see soldiers in my way, I expect you to do a better job next time first mate!"
Rowena grumbles and follows her captain to the Poseidon, along with the rest of the crew.

With the other captains rushing outside, Ryan looks back to see captain Warren is gone.

Ryan: "Hey, where did captain Warren go?"
Tavern girl: "I don't know, but that nice man did leave more than enough money to pay for your drinks."

Captain Alfonso was still sitting and drinking wine, appearantly not in any hurry to leave.

Ryan: "Aren't you going back to your ship captain Alfonso?"
Captain Alfonso: "No, I don't run from any soldiers. Those that dare walk in here will be dealt with."

In the meanwhile Captain Pete Grey has managed to find a rowboat and is making his way back to the ship while the redcoats where fighting other pirates.

Captain Bill Black also made it back to his ship, the Poseidon.

Captain Black: "Set sail for Tortuga, and let's hope these redcoats take out as much of our competition as possible!"

The soldiers try to fire at the fleeing pirates, but they cant prevent their escape.

Nelson: "Don't worry, that they are out of the city is most important. We will catch them some other time."

With all the fighting going on, Ryan has decided to sneak out of a window to make his escape.

Ryan: "There, now I just need to quickly run to my ship and I will be out of here!"

But when he turns around he realises he has not exactly been going unnoticed...

Wil he manage to get out of this or wil he end up in jail? We will find out soon.

((Will be continued soon.))

Offline Basie10

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Re: Trouble in Port Westroger.
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2015, 03:42:37 »
uggh oh! :o... :)