Captain Grey and Black boldly move out of the tavern with their men to try and cut themselves a way through the soldiers.

"We have cleared a way to the ship, captain Black."Bill Black:
"I still see soldiers in my way, I expect you to do a better job next time first mate!"Rowena grumbles and follows her captain to the Poseidon, along with the rest of the crew.
With the other captains rushing outside, Ryan looks back to see captain Warren is gone.

"Hey, where did captain Warren go?"Tavern girl:
"I don't know, but that nice man did leave more than enough money to pay for your drinks."Captain Alfonso was still sitting and drinking wine, appearantly not in any hurry to leave.

"Aren't you going back to your ship captain Alfonso?"Captain Alfonso:
"No, I don't run from any soldiers. Those that dare walk in here will be dealt with."In the meanwhile Captain Pete Grey has managed to find a rowboat and is making his way back to the ship while the redcoats where fighting other pirates.

Captain Bill Black also made it back to his ship, the Poseidon.

Captain Black:
"Set sail for Tortuga, and let's hope these redcoats take out as much of our competition as possible!"The soldiers try to fire at the fleeing pirates, but they cant prevent their escape.

"Don't worry, that they are out of the city is most important. We will catch them some other time."With all the fighting going on, Ryan has decided to sneak out of a window to make his escape.

Ryan: "
There, now I just need to quickly run to my ship and I will be out of here!"But when he turns around he realises he has not exactly been going unnoticed...

Wil he manage to get out of this or wil he end up in jail? We will find out soon.
((Will be continued soon.))