Author Topic: Ethnic balance among klickies.  (Read 11810 times)

Offline tahra

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #70 on: June 16, 2015, 13:01:47 »
And still somehow a simple airport security checkpoint is seen as most controversial. I've yet to see a list of inappropriate playmobil sets feature the dancing bear.

And that dreadful old "noah's ark". In something aimed at children.. beyond words.

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #71 on: June 16, 2015, 13:10:23 »
what was wrong with that?
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Offline Rasputin

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2015, 13:50:51 »
what was wrong with that?

its religious propaganda and just like political propaganda or in this case ethnic propaganda the balance could/should be done to reflect the real world. If it was done in an actual educational manner (as Geobra claims their toys are) then they need to include all (Ok yes maybe not all but the big ones at least) points of view. Just pushing one religion/ethnicity/cult then its an agenda.

I would welcome teaching my kids and grandkids all about the diffrent religions that exist or existed and throw in some LGBT sets also  :confetti:

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Offline tahra

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #73 on: June 16, 2015, 13:59:48 »
its religious propaganda (...)

Exactly. There are others, but that one, considering the dreadful booklet, makes me... I don't even know.
(yes, I know the other sets also have propaganda booklets, but maybe the story is not as violent)

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #74 on: June 16, 2015, 14:11:03 »
you guys should relax a bit, you know  ::) :P

"Company, villanous company, hath been the spoil of me."

Offline tahra

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #75 on: June 16, 2015, 14:36:34 »
you guys should relax a bit, you know  ::) :P

Yep, I know  8}  :P  ;D

Offline Macruran

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #76 on: June 16, 2015, 17:02:25 »
Hold on folks, here comes a rant.

All cultures are agendas, in that they aim to replicate themselves. Training the young is how they do this. Europe has been Christian for over a millennium, so for a European company to create toys with Christian imagery, or depicting one specific, European culture (Victorian theme for example), is only natural, and not "propaganda", except in the most debased, useless sense of that term.

More importantly, the notion that a completely culture-free viewpoint is desireable or even attainable IS ITSELF A CULTURAL VIEWPOINT. It is one of the defining ideas of modern Western culture. To promote THAT view is more subtly propagandistic, more white-man's-burdeny, than simply selling an honest Noah's Ark toy, one that many Christians probably bought for their children in an effort to honestly transmit their culture. (Full disclosure: I am not Christian. More a sort of lackadaisical Buddhist. Yes I almost bought the girl on lotus set for the lotus.)

In fact if you think about it for even a second the original PM toys themselves were intensely culture-bound. They manifested a version of modern European culture that we can still recognize in media products of the time: stylized, modular, interchangeable, smooth clean surfaces....(This effort to escape culture might be one of the lingering effects of the war, btw. Bolingbroke is onto something when he points out white guilt.)

Finally, to say that all points of view should be represented while condemning one of those points of view is utterly incoherent. It makes NO SENSE to criticize portrayals of reality (there really are crosses on top of mountains in the German Kulturraum!) on the basis that they are slanted towards one view. ALL PORTRAYALS OF REALITY ARE SLANTED. WE ARE JUST FANCY MONKEYS AND ALWAYS OPERATE FROM ONE PERSPECTIVE OR ANOTHER.

If you really wanted cultural diversity, you would praise the Ark and the Nativities and use them as support for your claim that there should be e.g. a Battle of Karbala set, or a Mahaparinirvana (Buddha's death) set.

I ask again: would you demand that a Nigerian or Korean toy company include all cultural points of view, or strive to be "culture-free"? Why or why not? Answers on the back of a postcard please.

what's the most recent (as in contemporary) historical figure they've ever done?

Are there any more recent than Martin Luther? There was Saint Martin, Cleopatra...some more contemporary media characters such as Lara Croft...can't think of any others.

edit: Elvis and Lady Gaga!

beer drinking construction workers

I thought that had been shown to be bottled water. In Germany green glass is used for water while brown glass is used for beer, and the bottles in that set are green.

On that note, I've strangely never seen criticism of the conquistador figure, even though the conquistadors wrought pure hell upon the indigenous peoples of the Americas. There's even a bar a few blocks from me called The Conquistador that has never to my knowledge been criticized for its choice of name.

edit: Martin not Christopher, duh
edit2: Elvis etc
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 18:02:05 by Macruran »
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Offline cachalote

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #77 on: June 16, 2015, 18:08:47 »
come on mcruran, you don't need to be so actively anti-anti. ;)

i don't criticize noah's ark that much.
although i am sure that if there was some kind of anti-bible activity in the world by some remote militant semi-armed organization geobra would run to take it out of the shelves, denying they were doing it.

growing up is what is needed.
and growing up means MORE markets, more diversity in themes (in space and time) and skin-colors and hair-styles and etc...
MORE being the key-word here - not right and wrong.

just as long as i have hope on the release of an imperial flagship i really don't care that much how many more tacky white churches with tacky light-pink-skin-colored newly-weds playmobil makes.
it makes me sad that they are not smart enough to make a sinagogue or a mosque - they would sell more and would have more money to produce more sets.

it makes me even sadder that i don't have at least a female brown skin piratesse to join my crews.
i bet she would be lovely.
or a conquistadoresse.

by the way, maybe the native people of south america did just fine killing each other before the arrival of pizarro or cortés (wouldn't it make a great set cortés and his mestiza wife la malinche?)
instead of just one perspective (or just one anti-perspective) what we need is MORE.
MORE klickies.  :)

p.s. "more" meaning more different ones, not more of the same, of course
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 18:15:10 by cachalote »
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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #78 on: June 16, 2015, 18:47:25 »
I kind of find the idea of turning a world destruction event into a child friendly toy hilarious. Plus it's a boat full of animals.

However, if Noah and his family are the ancestors of everyone shouldn't they be a more middle-of-the-road skintone?

Same with Mary and Joseph. They're Jewish.

I'm for Playmo synagogues and Japanese temples. I'm not sure how Muslims would feel about Islamic sets (Religious figures are off limits, as far as I know, but maybe buildings would be okay). 

Offline Macruran

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2015, 20:08:02 »
Would it be okay if the mosque was as tacky as the church?
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