Author Topic: Ethnic balance among klickies.  (Read 11272 times)

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2015, 10:27:09 »
It is true it would be nice to see sets where the "main people" are black. Like in that article bolingbroke linked, say a camper set or even house where the family was black. Rather than just one black student in a school, or one black police officer.

I'll tell this and then shut up. :lol: My little niece-in-law that I babysit sometimes was born in the US but both her parents are from Mexico, so culturally the family is Mexican. In Mexico, there are not defined races as there are here. There is a wide variety of skin tones, but they have no special meaning to anyone. I have noticed when playing playmobil with this little girl, she quite innocently puts families together without any regard whatsoever for the skin colors. The mom and dad may both be white, and one of the kids black. I just think it's rather beautiful to see that the color doesn't matter to her and she doesn't even notice it. Give her another year or two in US schools and I'm sure that will all change. Kind of sad.
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Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2015, 21:06:08 »
in a way you have to respect japanese toy companies like bandai. they know their main market is the local one, they cater for it almost exclusively, and if foreigners like and buy their toys, good, if they don't, then they can lump it. it's a very japanese attitude that you have to respect, in this day and age of global multinational companies trying to be everything to everyone.

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Offline Macruran

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2015, 21:13:38 »
:!: a good way to remember good things could be:
a special release thomas jefferson klicky to comemorate the 240 years of the (north, excluding canada and mexico+ if you consider mexico to be north and not central) american declaration of independence.
the one that states:
"we hold these truths to be evident, that all men are created equal..."

I personally would love a Thomas Jefferson klicky, or any historical klicky really. However, although from Portugal he might look like a hero of equality, things are different in the USA, as bonniebeth points out. If PM released a TJ klicky here as part of a celebration of equality, I guarantee they would receive vociferous criticism for their decision. People would point out that he was a slaveowner, that he was hypocritical in publicly opposing slavery while hardly freeing any of his slaves, that he stole Indian land, that he ordered forced removals of Indians, and that he assisted in the creation of a white supremacist society. They would demand he not be promoted as a symbol of equality. Other candidates would be suggested. (A Frederick Douglass klicky would be fantastic!)

This is how things are now. There are a lot of hot feelings in this country and it's going to take more than a handful of German toys to fix them.

in a way you have to respect japanese toy companies like bandai. they know their main market is the local one, they cater for it almost exclusively, and if foreigners like and buy their toys, good, if they don't, then they can lump it. it's a very japanese attitude that you have to respect, in this day and age of global multinational companies trying to be everything to everyone.

And there are many non-Japanese who seek out Japanese toys, as well as many other Japanese cultural products, precisely because of their strong cultural flavour. It's not something to be ashamed of or try to escape from.
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Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2015, 21:16:02 »

I'll tell this and then shut up. :lol: My little niece-in-law that I babysit sometimes was born in the US but both her parents are from Mexico, so culturally the family is Mexican. In Mexico, there are not defined races as there are here. There is a wide variety of skin tones, but they have no special meaning to anyone. I have noticed when playing playmobil with this little girl, she quite innocently puts families together without any regard whatsoever for the skin colors. The mom and dad may both be white, and one of the kids black. I just think it's rather beautiful to see that the color doesn't matter to her and she doesn't even notice it. Give her another year or two in US schools and I'm sure that will all change. Kind of sad.

eh, but that's the problem, isn't it? cultural clashes, different perspectives and sometimes (in the case of the furore over the crosses in tge alpine sets, for examole) ignorant and ill-informed opinions from people who are completely alien to the European traditions which are at the heart of playmobil.
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Offline cachalote

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2015, 00:34:50 »
i am sorry but i tend to see the european philosophical tradition as the most important one.  ;)
from thales of miletus to wittgenstain, it is a tradition that has more than 2500 years.

i don't quite see it as being in the "heart" of playmobil.

:love: playmobil is a wonderful toy and we all love it.
could it be better? i have no doubt.
by being smarter.
by fighting joyful ignorance - another european tradition (the ugly one).

i will also shut up now (i know, i know...)
this thread is easily flammable and shouldn't be in the news section.  :)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 00:40:18 by cachalote »
    honni soit qui mal y pense

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2015, 07:46:44 »
me too  :P

till the next one, probably calling for the crosses on the crusader kkickies to be removed lest they annoy non-christians  :P
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2015, 07:54:18 »
I agree that they could go more with black families, maybe not with the main house or such but could always be in sets like a man or woman with their children.

Have to disagree about other races being potrayed badly though, I'm pretty sure that white clickies have been used as villains more often than other colors due to there being more white clickies in general.

The evil knight factions are always white, the evil dragonland faction was white, not sure if theres truly an evil asian dragonland faction even, seems more neutral there.

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #57 on: June 14, 2015, 13:48:35 »
just make a Luther Klicky and get it over with. No not the Luther they made but the one I really thought it was when they announced it at the pcc, Matin Luther King Jr. I personally prefer a Malcom X klicky but like Jefferson he is quite controversial, or how about a Rosa Parks set, classic school bus in new color,bus driver,  Rosa, and some white cops with German Shepard? These could all fit into the US 50's theme.  ;)

Maybe some day the same company that brought us the rollercoaster (once enough time has lapsed) they could entertain us with a Japanese kamikaze playmo set, for the glory of culture  :P

Geobra would be walking a mind field  8}
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Offline Macruran

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #58 on: June 14, 2015, 18:07:37 »
just make a Luther Klicky and get it over with. No not the Luther they made but the one I really thought it was when they announced it at the pcc, Matin Luther King Jr. I personally prefer a Malcom X klicky but like Jefferson he is quite controversial, or how about a Rosa Parks set, classic school bus in new color,bus driver,  Rosa, and some white cops with German Shepard? These could all fit into the US 50's theme.  ;)

Don't forget the firehoses! (JOKING)

Geobra would be walking a mind field  8}

That's the thing. It's nice to think that they should fight ignorance as cachalote wishes them to, but the reality is that when they DO do even slightly odd sets, they get lambasted. (Remember Airport Security?) Even the seemingly harmless ethnic families are criticized for cultural insensitivity.

I think the best way is to be historically accurate with sets set in the past, and to roughly match current demographics with modern day sets. If/when Europe turns minority white, PM should naturally represent that in their klickies.

Anything else would be, as Rasputin rightly says, a mind field.
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: Ethnic balance among klickies.
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2015, 13:01:12 »
Martin Luther King may be less recognizeable as a clicky though and may just be regarded as a black clicky in a nice suit. I'd still like to see him produced though since he would no doubt be the most praised and recogniseable black historical figure I am sure, maybe they could give him a lectrum with microphone so he can have his speech, that may help make him recognizeable too.

Martin Luther has his hat after all and his writ. The Nachtwacht soldiers have very recognizeable outfits. The Milkmaid has the same.

I do love the idea of getting historical clickies of other skincolors and other roles though.