a good way to remember good things could be:
a special release thomas jefferson klicky to comemorate the 240 years of the (north, excluding canada and mexico+ if you consider mexico to be north and not central) american declaration of independence.
the one that states:
"we hold these truths to be evident, that all men are created equal..."
I personally would love a Thomas Jefferson klicky, or any historical klicky really. However, although from Portugal he might look like a hero of equality, things are different in the USA, as bonniebeth points out. If PM released a TJ klicky here as part of a celebration of equality, I
guarantee they would receive vociferous criticism for their decision. People would point out that he was a slaveowner, that he was hypocritical in publicly opposing slavery while hardly freeing any of his slaves, that he stole Indian land, that he ordered forced removals of Indians, and that he assisted in the creation of a white supremacist society. They would demand he not be promoted as a symbol of equality. Other candidates would be suggested. (A Frederick Douglass klicky would be fantastic!)
This is how things are now. There are a lot of hot feelings in this country and it's going to take more than a handful of German toys to fix them.
in a way you have to respect japanese toy companies like bandai. they know their main market is the local one, they cater for it almost exclusively, and if foreigners like and buy their toys, good, if they don't, then they can lump it. it's a very japanese attitude that you have to respect, in this day and age of global multinational companies trying to be everything to everyone.
And there are many non-Japanese who seek out Japanese toys, as well as many other Japanese cultural products,
precisely because of their strong cultural flavour. It's not something to be ashamed of or try to escape from.