Hello playmofriends!
Today I bought the brand new 5557 Treehouse from the theme Wildlife.
In Germany I collect Pay-Back point everytime I visit the Fuelstation, today I had saved enough points for a discount in the Warehouse.
20% FTW! In the store they had set-up a display with the new Wildlife scene, so I spotted all the boxes. I am no Fan of collecting other vehicles or planes, so I had no interress in buying the other sets. I found that the boat 5559 looks really small. The plane /jeep are reworks of an earlier set. The plane doesnt really fit the theme IMO.
They better had made a Jurassic Park-2 Trailertruck.
I normaly only collect Pirate/Farm/Zoo sets, but since this set has nice animals in it, it was worth it all.

The last set I bought was the Pirate Island with hat over-sized baseplates, didnt fit in a Ikea storage box etc.
The plates/rocks of this set are luckely all compact, which is good!

Looks like playmobil finaly found a sollution for the problem with the old ferns..... this new one doesnt dissambles out of nothing...
You hear a click and the opper/lower plants will stuck to each other.
Furthermore I noticed there are 3 types of treebranches instead of the 2 old onces, I had to take a second look at it wenn i tried to assemble the building. I dont know if its really new, the last GrandPirate island only used 2 out of these 3 types.
The birds ness can be put on a tree or on a branche, I never had a bird ness before but dont know if this one really is new.
Strange objects: 

I found these 2 parts in the box, you can't see them on the inventarylist nor on the box's print.
If any of you have any more info's what that are, please let me know.....
I still like the pre-hair-removal and strange-faces clickies the most.

They do feed the Wildlife theme, no doubt.

Those stuff all fits the theme nicely, but there are no great new introduction items, furthermore lots of stupped stickers.....
The fishingrod is NOT-magnetic but has a pinn on it to stuck on fishes.
I never had a PM bear before, must cost at least 5-6euro to buy it serparates in DS, also it makes the set really worth it.

Perfect! the colours really fit the set and the house has everything a Wildlife ranger needs.
Allthough I really dont see the need to add that bridge in the set.
They better add some denn trees instead, giving a bit North America mountains.

There is one big hole with 2 exits in which the great bear fits in. The tree and a rock on the back also have a nicely hiddingspot for smaller animals.

The small table wont flapp down, they have thought about that.

Inside there is all the rangers needs, above the door is a shelf for foodstorage.
Underneeth the lower bed there is a extra place for storage and a secred entrance.

From the upper bed, the clickie reaches the roof.

I had not got an Eagle before !
Custom build:

I wondered if those tree parts were aible to put together without the house.... the answer, Yes , but it really isnt a sollid connection.
But still that tree looks great for a fairy forest or whatever.
I could not make better pictures at the moment.
But all I can say: for plamobil animal collectors this set is perfect.