Nice I remember all the photos in those old catalogues were really beautiful much better than the ones nowadays probably part of the reason why I have such a desire to collect Playmobil particularly 1990's sets. Those 2 figures are great the man's got some nice detail and the woman is beautiful in that dress.
I know I'm biased but, I agree with you love that Pirate Ship
as I've mentioned before I had that ship and the Pirate Island as a kid two of my favourite sets now looking at all the accessories and all the box photos brings back some good memories and makes me want to find one even more, love the design and the sails and much more realistic colours than the one I've bought. I love the seeming realism of the Klickies demonstrating the accessories and the sails and appearing happy concentrating on their work, plus of course the idea of the battle scene and semi underwater photo.
I really like the 1990's Pirates the Captain's got some nice detail and I like the other crew members I've got the guy with the red jacket with a slightly different bandanna, and I really like the chimps I can remember trying to separate the little boy in his cap from the set when my Mum decided to sell my ship because I really liked him but, clearly it can't have worked
. Did you get the posters with the ship as well? I've still got mine now they are something else truly beautiful settup snad very dramatic background plus the jelly seas