The structure of this building was inspired by a large farmhouse that I saw advertised for sale, and very much liked. I had the intention of creating a farmhouse too, but then it got taken over by pirates, and turned into a Pirate Retirement Home.
The accommodation needs of retired pirates are quite basic. Even Vainbeard, the owner of the Retirement Home, has a simple room.
Somewhere to sleep, and somewhere to store their treasures is all that is required. This is William. In the past, he wanted to be known as Redbeard, but there was already a Redbeard aboard the ship, and therefore he was told that he would be Redbeard the Second. He didn't want to be Second, however, so he said he would just be William.
Rupert is a practical pirate, a hard worker.
And The Admiral likes to tell long stories about his adventurous life.
Long-time friends Bald Henry and John the Dare share a room.
The Captain shares only with his parrot.
There is also a Cook at the Home, but he doesn't live there.
Life at the Retirement Home is quite serene.