The 16 Super 4 sets (love them or hate them!) contain 21 klickies, according to the PM promotional pictures currently available. The sets are due for release this Autumn and until then we will not know exactly what they contain, so what follows is somewhat speculative, based mainly on the pictures. There seem to be 15 new hair types, 7 'non-removable' (like the hair found on child klickies) and 8 (on 9 klickies) removable. 5 klickies have existing hair types. Here are screenshots of the heads of all 21 klickies:

It has been confirmed by Geobra that 'Alex' and 'Ruby' have hair which can be removed, but 'Twinkle' and 'Gene' have hair which is part of their head and cannot be removed and this is also true for the other fairies in the series (which I assume means those in 6688 and 6689). Looking at the pictures, I have assumed that the two bald figures (in 6690 and 6698) and the knight in 6695 all have moulded-on hair.
It is hard to tell in some cases, but that leaves 9 figures with new hair (2 klickies have the same one). The 6691 figure might have an existing hair type, its hard to tell from the picture.
In addition to the 8 new hair pieces, there is one new beard (in 4798/6693). The king in 6695 seems to have a grey version of one of the 'prehistoric man' beards. I have assumed the bald guy in 6698 will have non-removable moustache/sideburns but who knows? In the picture they look to have been made from craft foam and stuck on!
We will have to wait and see what the actual figures are like, but some Maltese sellers have already been offering for sale some of the hair for Super4 figures. Tahra flagged this up last August
here when she showed us the black hair of Alex in 6695. Interestingly, the blond hair of the same style hasn't appeared in any set yet- was this just a prototype/dry run?