This is the story of the Tabletop Gang. The gang members are not chosen, they just happened to meet up along the way. It's a funny and adventurous bunch.
It all started with Baby T-Rex:
Then Baby T-Rex met Baby T and they became friends:
Sadly Baby T was an orphan:
Together they went on their first adventure:
Then they met Baby Penguin:
Who was not only very wise, but also very skillful:
Then the gang met Baby B, who was a bit shy at first:
They performed in a circus:
The gang went on holiday at a hotel where Baby T was sociable:
Baby T-Rex liked the food:
Baby B liked the beds:
And Baby Penguin studied boat building:
Then the gang started growing fast, first they met Pyjama Boy, who was an orphan too:
And while they witnessed the birth of a dinosaur, they met Pony:
And shortly after that Baby Giraffe, who was also an orphan, and still felt a bit lonely - so Baby Giraffe adopted Mother Giraffe:
And had some more adventures:
And then there was "80s Girl, who liked the gang and started hanging out with the gang, but it took a while before she was accepted:
The latest member of the gang they met at a children's zoo, it is Pig and was invited by Baby T:
The gang will continue to have adventures. The gang members think the gang is now big enough, although they are also thinking of letting an otter join the gang later this year.