Just in case you were thinking my interaction with Playmobil was entirely digital, I offer a small real-world project my fourteen-year-old and I were working on this evening: to renovate the 5998 Playmobil Inn into a retail establishment. It's all from recent purchases (plus a lady from Fi?ures Series 4):
5490 Woman with Puppies
5611 Carrying Case Shop
5627 Children's Birthday Party
5631 Carrying Case Food Shop
5998 Playmobil Inn
Dress shop, with a discerning customer
Sweet shop/cafe. A bit bare, even restocked with the sweets from the birthday party... needs some work.
Outdoor seating area, with a couple friends meeting for tea.
Main entrance and information desk. I love this lady and wanted to give her a job under the new ownership!
Overhead view.
It's a work in progress: I also bought the Toyshop interior thinking it would fit, but not even close. And the building is going to be difficult to expand, given the lack of straight roof-edge pieces and the unique peachy colour of some of the walls. White's common, though, so I'll think of something. Never thought I'd be getting into modern themes, but... here I am. They still might be invaded by pirates though.