Great start to your new project.
Thanks I only got part way through it, went upstairs to do something else and my card had an error well downloading a couple of extra photos.
Well there's plenty of room down below for treasure, food and other vital supplies
I looked on the database after that and realised where the wooden piece goes so updated
And finally the smallest crew member riding a baby Sea Monster
So I think the ship's this one've got one or two questions. I know this ships meant to have plastic sails, I've got mixed feelings about this I think it will make it easier to clean it if I want to take photos of it on the pond when it's been restored and seeing as I'll probably end up storing it under my bed for the minute at least it'll probably be easier to disassemble without damaging. However, at some point in the future I would like to get some proper sails for it and possibly replace the cabin and poop deck? with one which is a more natural wood colour although that's not likely to be anytime soon. I've been comparing it to the one I had as a kid: and as far as I can see it's mainly the same parts in different colours, the only real difference I could see for the sails is the parts you attach to the masts which makes me think replacing the sails with fabric sails should be possible but, I'd like to know what you guys think as to whether it'd be possible?