Personally I think I would choose a wood floor with more brown in it rather than the bluish tinge (or is that just the photo?)
That's probably the photo, because the wooden floor is supposed to be in different shades of brown. It seems weird that it's glossy though, that only works for pristine polished wooden floors, not the shabby look of the floorboards I found. Ah well...
Does the original paper not come off? Mine didn't seem to be attached other than by the surrounds holding the windows and doors - I used it as a pattern to cut the new paper.
I can't remember though if the extension floor paper was loose or not. Is that what you mean?
It depends. Some wallpaper just came loose (especially the paper from the old mansion I have back from when I was young - the glue is withered I think). The paper from the MISB mansion I bought last year is still firmly glued on. And I really don't want to ruin that wallpaper.
I LOOVE those beds! Sylvanian, I suppose... So simple and... BROWN. 
Well spotted

I considered bying the living room too, but Sylvanian chairs and sofas really are too big for Playmobil.