Well, here a summary of my pre-review I posted in the PCC about the renewal of my favourite Pirates Theme.
I like the pirate-figures and soldiers.
Some nice new accessories in a few sets, f.e. nice new musketeer-type hat and 17th-century (Louis XIV-style) hair/wig. Longcoats (V3, the ones "rounded" at the front) in darkblue with prints, very usable for customizing naval officers (without having to use paint).
Small "complementary" sets are okay (except for the raft).
The smallish rock-island, okay for me as I have the large(r) previous islands. For those not having an island yet, I'd recommend to order the figures/accessories from DS and to somewhere buy one of the older islands.
The mini-lighttower has an appropriate size to direct a rowboat in a pool to the shore a few inches further.
The soldiers´cannon-boat is the same of the existing one, though in other colours and comes with Spanish/French soldiers instead of Redcoats.
The raft is silly.
To answer Rhalius about it´s cannons; it is fashionable these days to buy combat-rafts instead of expensive destroyers/cruisers. US Navy has set the trend with their LCS (Littoral Combat Ship) designs. The Chinese do the opposite and are building a blue-water navy.
The Pirates´"Combat ship"; the design is a variation of the 4290 from 2008.
The hull's shape is exactly the same but the deck has been redesigned.
Positive* Nice hull and deck colours, quite similar to those of the 5135 (the ship it is replacing).
* Hull of the new ship has been confirmed by PCC-team as being interchangable with the 4290's red hull.
Negative* The cabin-windows on the rear are now stickers.
* The cabin inside the ship is gone, it´s space probably filled up with additional foam for floating purposes. Only remaining below-deck space is now the cargo-hold.
* Cargo-hold has been much reduced in size, I guess it´s proportions are now similar as found on the schooner-ships.
* Front-mast´s crane to haul cargo on and off the ship has been deleted as well.
* The front-topmast is the cheapest flagpole they could find, no provision to put a decent topmast like on the aft-mast without customizing or replacing the crownest.
* The "fake" below-deck cannon-mouths (3 now on instead of 4 on the 5135, port/starboard-sides) now also have no moving hatches anymore (half-sized hatches are now moulded horizontally on the fake gunmouths).
* No lanterns on the ship´s heck (stern) like on the 4290.
* Cabinboy (child-klicky) has "walked the plank" (as there is no cabin anymore, he got sacked) so crew is now down to 3 adult figures.
* Only 1 deck-cannon instead of 2 (oh, wait, the bow-figure is now a cannon-barrel so that makes 2 afterall?!)
* If the front box-picture is representative for the contents, then almost no accessories/equipment included with this ship.
Summary of the ship:Somewhat a missed opportunity imho, it looks as if they started with a nice redesign of the 4290 but then decided to delete several important features and so they ended up with a cheap-looking/equipped version of their initial idea.
Btw, here is the promotional pirates' vid´s trailer on youtube, more details to be seen there...
http://www.youtube.com/user/playmobil(size of the lighthouse in the video is more like the large one from 2008, so not representative for the new one!)