Author Topic: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!  (Read 10918 times)

Offline Erik

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2015, 19:08:25 »
I know, and tomorrow is in 4 hours now (in Germany) ;D...but it's just to be sure that they (The PCC's staff) continue to share this previous information with the PCC members....Yesterday Playmobil publish the set reference and prices on their web page in Germany and in, when they say "to wait", it's not really serious  ???...


You're right, I didn't know there was info posted on the PCC-they really should inform their members!!!-if I had known I would have waited a few hours...
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Offline Playmo_80

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2015, 19:11:45 »
You're right, I didn't know there was info posted on the PCC-they really should inform their members!!!-if I had known I would have waited a few hours...

don't worry in the east of europe it's already "tomorrow" ;D...At the PCC board they didn't write until the 28th in Germany...  :P
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Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2015, 19:21:34 »
Thank you Eric for posting cropped pictures of these weird sets.our boys like them but to me they are so fantasy based I am not sure. I know I will get them, I'm sick after all, but not sure how to incorporate them with the reality based sets.

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Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2015, 20:04:23 »
The pirate house looks like a stecks Tudor house made out of something that resembles system x but more modular? I like it but if it's not customizable then to me it looses all the potential.
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2015, 20:17:53 »
Not really sure what to think of it either.. the heads and some other parts, mostly hairstyles, just dont look like playmobil.

Why did they just not give them all the typical playmobil face instead so it blends in perfectly with other playmobil? The weird faces make them look like a knockoff instead of like real playmobil.

There do seem to be some nice parts here and there though.

Offline Rasputin

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2015, 20:57:21 »
Not really sure what to think of it either.. the heads and some other parts, mostly hairstyles, just dont look like playmobil.

Why did they just not give them all the typical playmobil face instead so it blends in perfectly with other playmobil? The weird faces make them look like a knockoff instead of like real playmobil.

There do seem to be some nice parts here and there though.

Exactly, why did the cartoon dictate the change of the iconic "klicky"? Shouldn't the cartoon have based their design on the toy, not the other way around?  Is there just to much turnaround in corporate at geobra? Each new dictat-trice is keen on reinventing the image? Please Geobra stop trying to reinvent Hans Becks brilliantly simple design.
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Offline DrDalek6

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2015, 22:07:42 »
Thanks for sharing hmm well there's some stuff I like the look of in there namely the 2 Pirate sets the Pirate Island doesn't look to bad and the normal looking figures look quite good, also the scientist on the speeder looks alright although nothing particularly new. I guess the Fairies also sort of work in their own way although they're not really my thing.

I agree though a lot of the figure do look weird not just the heads but, the proportions like Ruby she just looks totally wrong proportions, it's a pity as you say they didn't make the main figures more Klicky like. On the plus side at leas they seem to have managed to create a bald head without a bandanna, the bandannas look alright but, if I'm trying to create a figure that looks like one of my bald friends no one I know who is bald wears a bandanna

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2015, 23:52:30 »
Well, the klickys are hideous, they look like a cheap knock-off of playmobil! I seriously hope this isn't what all playmobil looks like in the future. :( I'm afraid now that they have invested in these molds we will see more of them, though.

I do see a few parts in there I want, though. Thanks for the pictures!
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Offline cheng

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2015, 05:30:25 »
Well, the klickys are hideous, they look like a cheap knock-off of playmobil! I seriously hope this isn't what all playmobil looks like in the future. :( I'm afraid now that they have invested in these molds we will see more of them, though.....

Thanks Erik! :wave:

Those big eyes might look more attractive to kids but Playmobil is bringing itself closer to other very much cheaper toys.....even the torso of this knight appears his weapon belt and the pin of his armoured arm might not fit our standard kliky...looking at his neck/collar...I pray their heads are at least interchageable with our klikies

if not, Playmobil is giving up one of its most special characteristics...that our clickies are interchangeable (I mean just the easily removable parts, like hats and armor)
Playmobil will just become another expensive toy with specialized figures, buildings and parts...that parents buy for their kids to play and put away after they are bored with them...while LEGX can still boast to be a new toy everyday

actually I'm excited to see so many new Playmo stuff BUT what's happening Playmobil? Is the quest for increasing sales blurring your vision? Hope you are not sacrificing uniqueness to be just another choice on the shelf? I hope these are still "interchangeable"

Offline Playmo_80

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Re: Playmobil "Super 4"- ALL sets!!!
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2015, 06:48:18 »
Well, the klickys are hideous, they look like a cheap knock-off of playmobil!

my son (11 years old) told me the same thing....however he did like the "giant"...
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