Well, the klickys are hideous, they look like a cheap knock-off of playmobil! I seriously hope this isn't what all playmobil looks like in the future.
I'm afraid now that they have invested in these molds we will see more of them, though.....
Thanks Erik!

Those big eyes might look more attractive to kids but Playmobil is bringing itself closer to other very much cheaper toys.....even the torso of this knight appears slimmer....so his weapon belt and the pin of his armoured arm might not fit our standard kliky...looking at his neck/collar...I pray their heads are at least interchageable with our klikies
if not, Playmobil is giving up one of its most special characteristics...that our clickies are interchangeable (I mean just the easily removable parts, like hats and armor)
Playmobil will just become another expensive toy with specialized figures, buildings and parts...that parents buy for their kids to play and put away after they are bored with them...while LEGX can still boast to be a new toy everyday
actually I'm excited to see so many new Playmo stuff BUT what's happening Playmobil? Is the quest for increasing sales blurring your vision? Hope you are not sacrificing uniqueness to be just another choice on the shelf? I hope these are still "interchangeable"