Well a few days back a very relevant conversation took place concerning a delivers package that sprouted feet and walked off, modern evolution I guess. I think it is very relevant due to the fact that so many collectors have regular deliveries.
So, at least here in California, in the past USPS, UPS, FedEx, and others would attempt to deliver a box. If no one was around a small note was left. USPS had it in a warehouse across town, UPS and FedEx would pencle in a retry date, if after 3 tries then it went to their warehouse for a week and I am not sure about the others, we rare see any others.
So then came the megashops, AKA amazon. Apparently amazon has so much clout in the shipping world they have entirely changed the procedure at their request.
Now if no one is home the delivery people are told to leave it, anywhere, yes even out front of a gate on the road. The delivery companies take no, yes zero, responsibility if that package disappears. Typically people call the sender, amazon, and they send out a new one. Oh but what if you didn't buy it from amazon you ask, too bad for you, you should have been home where you apparently belong. Only packages with insurance, at your expense, will not be left, well the shipper would have to pay for replacement with insurance so better not mess up.
Now if you do not want to be on the hook for these items walking away, remember evolution does not stop, YOU have to tell your postman or woman to never leave packages outside. It would be best in writing, keep a copy.
I spoke to our temporary post man at length today. He hears complaints all day and he understands the frustration but can care less, just a paycheck. He always has some one home.