Author Topic: 4789 Samurai Special Plus  (Read 2603 times)

Offline tahra

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Re: 4789 Samurai Special Plus
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2015, 18:57:02 »
Amused me what you said about him being a clockwork Samuari

I don't think I coined the term - first appeared in an egg knight... Though the neckpiece was different in the front, had these in the back too.

I also think the hair they've chosen for him works quite nicely   :)

My favorite male hat hair, for sure...

Either way, I could use tons more of them. I have several figures who are lacking them right now!

YES! I need to add them again to the parts orders....  :-[  And when doing multiple warriors, they disappear too fast.

Something else I like about this set is that the head looks to be moulded instead of printed! My dislike of those printed-only heads grows by the day it seems. :lol:

All chinese heads are printed now, me thinks. Horrid. Especially with the declining quality of printing in general. This guy has round eyes, hence molded.