That looks sooo AWESOME
The ground is just perfect.
And the houses, all full of details
The use of those log cabins (I think) roofs makes for great variety, and beautiful houses.
Great looking klickys too... I also love the boy swordfighting with a stick - that was a brilliant idea!
The guy having a mug of beer while relaxing at home is very well done too.
The cat on the bed and the one peeking at the chicken are very nice details
I did notice the roses over the door, the pots of flowers, the pot on the stove (it is not playmo, right?) and the bunch of... something, from Sylvanian, I think, hanging in the witch's lair...
I'm repeating myself, but the witch house is brilliant as well...
The forest dwellers all look great (what is the ogre looking at? he looks curious!)
Loved Hade.. I mean that wizard with the ghost from the tower - how ORIGINAL!
And the other talking to the raven, with the cluttered workshop.
All the trees, vegetation and rocks look great, and make a very believable forest.
Also really like the dwarves by their cabin (and interesting roof!)
And Zita, the woman centaur, and the lady of the forest are discussing organic hair dye.