Hello All
Back in 2003 when i started collecting Playmobil and actually creating photo story's all i had was a normal camera. There was none of this digital technology (for me anyway) and i had never heard of macro or mega pixels
. Everything was hit and miss and i would take a couple of reels of film hoping for them to turn out, hoping that i would have enough for a story that made some sense. It cost me a small fortune having all the pictures developed only to find out that 60% of them were useless
. I was also quite shocked to see the poor quality of my pictures when looking back, things have certainly come a long way.
This was, however the beginning for me in many ways and i have fond memories of it. These pictures are a catalogue of my very first Playmobil Fire Service and show how primative things were back then. The advances in my Playmobil technology have certainly come along way since and most of the current Fire and Rescue equipment is cutting edge. As well as my fire service developing, camera technology has come on in leaps and bounds too. Looking back at these pictures i cant beleive how i managed to keep my inspiration and not loose faith when encountering all the frustrations.
I must take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Gordon (Playmofire) who has been a constant inspiration throughout, a really great guy. My Playmobil Fire Service wouldnt be where it is today without his guidance, support, help and inspiration. Infact i doubt wether any of it would have been possible without seeing his wonderful pictures for the first time.The first accident in 2003 was done in a 'Casualty' (TV Series) disaster style . This involved a bus, camper van and car at the site of a road works. It was certainly a miracle that no one was killed, the emergency services could barely cope. This was the turning point, things had to improve