Thank you everyone
I find the Zoo theme a fantastic reason to justify buying Playmobil from
any theme imaginable
Is it real "earth/sand/soil" with the meerkats?
Yes, I still have a huge bag of yellow sand from when I used it for the western goldmine area. I wanted to smoothen it out at first, but while heaping it on I noticed it looked a lot like an actual meerkat tunnel system.
And that guy running scared (I was SURE it was the spiders in there!)
I have no Playmobil spiders... Now you mention it, that Inca ruin just screams 'tarantula hideout', doesn't it?
Ah, and certain people were laughing cause you were so happy (it's contageous) - certain people never really question the NEED of having some playmobil set or other (as certain people's wallet might attest...).. and certain people have (almost) all the dino sets (and all the dinos!)
I actually gave all the dinos to my nephews and niece. Temporary insanity or something
What is the candy in the bag? It looks delicious in that beautiful snack area.
The popcorn, you mean? Or the churros sticking out of the litlle bags? Both are from Sylvanian Families (there is a set with a popcorn vending stall - the cutest!).
One thing I have been wondering about before. How do you create those great skies? It looks so bright and gives a lovely depth in the pictures, especially the one by the cabin looks great.
Are you willing to reveal your secret?
Oh that is no secret at all! I think Skywalker also mentions how to use lighting that comes from behind the table and backdrop, in order to create a more realistic glow. Can't remember which topic it was though...
What I did was, I went to the market and bought 9 by 2 meters worth of cheap lightblue cloth. I always attach it to the wall with thumbtacks all around the sides (they're easy to remove). The part of the cloth that is suspended in the air (it divides the room in two, it hangs off a wooden beam in the ceiling), has light coming in from behind, through the window. That's why it looks so bright from that angle.
What I should try to do is hang the cloth in midair around all three sides and put spotlights behind them. But then I'd need more room... or reduce the size of the diorama table.
I might give that a go for the next project.