Author Topic: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart  (Read 9703 times)

Offline Birdie

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6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« on: September 11, 2014, 14:26:54 »
I ordered the 6003 dragon and the 6005 hay cart from the new medieval line. Here's a review of these two gems  :)

The 6003 dragon was €24,99 at I really like her: she looks fierce, her colours are great, and her wings can move 360° 'round. She's got horns and moving front paws with claws, a moving tail...
I have to admit I never bought a dragon before, so I have no comparison at home. But somehow she's more appealing to me than the other dragons I've seen out there.
No weird round eyes, no missing limbs, no armour.

This is the box. As I suspected, the blue is darker around the edges of the box, for the new medieval range:

The side has these two extra pictures:

I love how the new castle is built on a rock that can house a whole dragon. But I've got an old steck dragon tower now, so no system-X castle for me  :)

And the back:

My dragon is called Debby. She's a good little dragon, but she's a bit camera shy:

Debby demonstrating she has a good reach:

Offline Birdie

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 14:41:17 »

Her front paws can tilt up and down, but that's it, no thumbs to grab things with.

Her hind legs are squatted, which is pretty cool, because she can be in a sort of crawling position. I don't really know why they decided her tongue should be a flame inside her mouth. It would have been nice to have a removeable flame attached to her mouth. Woosh!

She's very detailed. She's even got a little horn underneath her chin  :)

And there's a tiny newborn baby dragon and a golden egg to fit it in. Cute  ;D

The knight is 'bleh', a bit too comic bookish to my taste, but look at his funny helmet!

And maybe his clothes and shoes have potential, once I've freed him of is armour pieces.

Offline Birdie

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2014, 14:53:17 »
And these bones also came with the set. Don't blame a hungry dragon...

The other set I got was the 6005 hay cart, for €17,99. It's brilliant, really. I have the same cart in light brown, from older sets, but the dark variety looks amazing. The hay looks quite realistic on the cart.

The front of the box:

Smaller images on the side:

And the back:

No changes to the bull or the cart mold:

Though they did add two light brown clipping things to fasten to the sides of the cart. That way, it can hold the scythe and the rake.

The water in the bucket! Is this new, or have I missed it in other sets? I love it!!

Offline Birdie

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2014, 14:58:54 »
I'm sure the pile of hay will come in handy...

Again, the soldiers aren't to my taste:

The black cloak looks nice, though. But I'm not sure what the device holding it is supposed to be  :eh?:

Great looking farmer clicky:

I think I like him better without the beard:

That was it for the reviews. Let's all celebrate and buy these sets, shall we?  ;D

Offline tahra

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2014, 15:02:52 »
Thanks for the review :)

I think mine have arrived today!  :woohoo:

The water was first included in the fairy bags, I think...

I plan to "fix" all the knights (no, not THAT way!  :0 )

Offline Rhalius

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2014, 19:06:51 »
Beaten me to the dragon review, mine isnt nearly as elaborate though. I'll still include the pics since I reviewed it along with some other sets.   :)

I was kind of considering getting the hay cart, but too much cons for me to get it. The farmer and the hay is nice.. the ox too but I already have two of those carts and the soldiers look awfull.
Especially those weird colored parts of armor on the blonde soldier. Ugh.

A shame the hay top and bottom seem to be two different colors though.  :(  That does not help win me over.. still.. having a hay bale like that can have many uses. People hiding in hay and all that.

Offline tahra

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2014, 19:20:16 »
Especially those weird colored parts of armor on the blonde soldier. Ugh.

Well, I dislike that particular armor, but his HAIR is worse!  :P

Actually, I wish the set did NOT have the soldiers... I think mine will pop!
(sets did arrive!  Love the dragon, and the trolls :love: )

Offline Birdie

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2014, 19:30:36 »
Beaten me to the dragon review, mine isnt nearly as elaborate though. I'll still include the pics since I reviewed it along with some other sets.   :)

Oh sorry, I had no idea  :lol:  Please do post your pictures, it's always fun to read reviews.

A shame the hay top and bottom seem to be two different colors though.  :(

Hmm now you mention it, there seems to be a difference in colour, on the pictures. It's not very noticeable to the eye though. Could it be lighting or just the thickness of the plastic or something?

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2014, 19:30:52 »
The 6005 is Playmobil going back to what it used to be - clever with great attention to detail and unusual, three qualities Playmobil has tended to be losing recently, in my opinion anyway.  The idea of an oxcart is great for the mediaeval range, so much more accurate than a horse-drawn cart, and the addition of the hay load in which people can hide is superb.  The water insert for the bucket is a great idea, too.
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Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: 6003 dragon and 6005 hay cart
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2014, 19:58:52 »
The 6005 looks fantastic, hopefully this is hinting at the arrival of more civilians. Great review, thanks for sharing! :)
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