Final Part - The End of the Tour'To conclude this afternoon's tour of the Fairy Rescue Centre, we have a most exciting treat for the children,' said Paul, 'A year ago, we released a Garden Fairy into a local garden, but as there are no human children there for her to visit, she likes to come back to see children here. She now has a fairy daughter of her own, and they will both be delighted to meet you three children, if your parents say you may.'

Ruth and Scott were keen for their children to have this experience.

The wild Garden Fairy and her daughter seemed very sociable and friendly.

'Children!' called Ruth, 'Your Daddy and I are going on to the Reception Area to collect a brochure and the donation form. Please catch up with us when you have finished your chat with the fairies. Don't be too long though, because there is another tourist attraction that we want to do before teatime.'

'It's wonderful that our children have this opportunity to mix with fairies,' said Ruth to Scott, 'I think it really helps them to cultivate a respect for the natural world.'

are those children?' said Scott, 'We really must be going now.'

'Oh, here they come,' said Ruth, 'Thomas, tell your brother and sister to hurry up. We'll be waiting in the car. Just jump in the back and then we'll be off to our next Place To See.'

Ruth and Scott went to wait in the car.

They didn't look back.

Nor did Timothy.