Author Topic: Modern city street  (Read 27919 times)

Offline Raven

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2014, 04:43:26 »
This is so wonderful, so brilliant.  Beautifully done, beautifully photographed, and all the details are absolutely delightful.  My favourite things:

- the pavement, the grass, and the shingle driveway
- the garden ponds
- the trees
- the blue outside lights on one of the houses (blue outside lights?! Where did they come from?) and the mailbox on the door
- the blue and white and a touch of green kitchen ... the details are perfect
- the outdoor shelves of flowers on the balcony
- the Native American decorations and toy
- the toddler in the pram - and mother - looking at the police officers
- the man in the suit coming out of the bank
- the burgers and fries
- the café worker (or supervisor or manager, I think) in his tie and waistcoat
- one of the children in the classroom looking out of the window
- the wandering ahead toddler by the ice-cream/pizza counters
- apple juice in the crate on the shopping trolley (I love the father and child outfits too)
- the oranges in the basket
- bottled water (I'm assuming that Sonia is collecting that, and not vodka!)
- the labels on the bread counter shelves (did they come with those stickers, or did you make them? They look superb)
- the price display at the supermarket checkout turned towards the customer
- the fruit and vegetables weighing scale
- the 'old' pushchair/stroller outside the clinic
- the toddler by the clinic reception staring at the wheelchair
- the board game on the table in the clinic waiting room - and the untidy books there, open comic on the chair, wagon of toys
- the patient walking with her drip stand
- the skateboarder
- the children discussing their football game

I love it all!
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Offline Birdie

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2014, 08:14:53 »
 :thanks: Thank you so very much for all of your sweet comments  :D  I'm so happy you like it.

You're all invited to come play along, by the way, I wish that were possible  ;D

- the blue outside lights on one of the houses (blue outside lights?! Where did they come from?) and the mailbox on the door

They came with that house  :)

- bottled water (I'm assuming that Sonia is collecting that, and not vodka!)

Quite right, she's trying to fit into her dress again  ;)

- the labels on the bread counter shelves (did they come with those stickers, or did you make them? They look superb)

The bakery set came with those stickers. I really like 'm too!

I noticed you used some other similarly sized toys as well like the one which looks like a Power Ranger in the clinic.

Sometimes Kinder Surprise Eggs and such have these tiny toys that are of Playmobil size. I always have an eye out for Playmobil compatible stuff  :)

An ode to my bedroom NOW.   :P

That does it, I'll have to come over on a Playmobildate  :lol:

Offline tahra

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2014, 08:23:07 »
That does it, I'll have to come over on a Playmobildate  :lol:


Offline Tiermann

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #23 on: August 19, 2014, 15:06:14 »
Beautifully designed diorama! Lots of wonderful details, the balcony garden is great, love the kids rooms, the really full looking store. Lots to go back and look at again. Are the cat and camel rugs Playmobil? Sylvanian? I really like the cat rug.

Offline Birdie

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2014, 15:58:20 »
Thank you Tiermann  :)

Those 'rugs' are actually patches to iron onto kid's clothes (like on knees or elbows). I think I found them in a store for sewing and knitting accessories. They go waaay back.

Offline bonniebeth

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2014, 20:29:43 »
Absolutely beautiful! Love the houses you've designed, especially that balcony with the trellis from the vacation villa. So many nice details in there.
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Offline Rhalius

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2014, 13:58:12 »
It looks very beautifull, so many details! I like the kids playing around at the playground, and all the families in their houses.. you could practicly create a playmobil soap series with this setup!

Offline Birdie

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2014, 16:45:27 »
Thank you Bonniebeth and Rhalius  :)

I've actually started on a bit of a photo story with this diorama as a backdrop. I hope it works, I've never done one.

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2014, 20:01:07 »
I've only just had time to catch up with this topic.  A number of people have used the word "stunning", and it is.  And the detail is amazing; I'm going to have to go back a number of times and look through it again to see everything.

In the first few photos, I liked:

the foliage overhanging the street in the first picture;

the 3-storey house, superb!

the use of the grass sheets (I guess they are from a model railway shop or wargamers shop, they look like the sort you can buy there);

the drives of the houses look very realistic - did you use sandpaper for them from a diy shop?

the kitchen photo is superb.  It reminds me of the paintings of the old Dutch masters.

the clinic is an amazing building, inside and out;

and the detail in the supermarket - speechless!

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Offline Salamander

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Re: Modern city street
« Reply #29 on: August 23, 2014, 22:02:40 »
Oh this is absolutely brilliant!  So many great details, and great photos too!  :love: