I think the guy looks like a russian mobster. The shirt, unshaven face and the watch = meh. (I do like the shirt though, just not the combination)
That's what I love about him, he's so over the top
The pink thing by the cat: is it a cat toy?
Yes, it's a knot of wool. It's in other sets too, I think I have a light yellow one as well.
That fireplace is modeled after gel or ethanol fireplaces, like this: http://www.woodlanddirect.com/Fireplace-Accessories/Ethanol-Gel-Fireplaces This particular one is very similar: http://www.woodlanddirect.com/Fireplace-Accessories/Ethanol-Decorative-Fireplaces/Nu-Flame-Ardore-Tabletop-Ethanol-Fireplace
Aha, thanks! It looks cool, but it also looks like a house fire waiting to happen
I think it is interesting that the walls are hollow so to speak. In a way I like that the shelves give places to put little things and in another it seems like a way to cut down on production costs.
That is a plus, but the problem is that the highest shelf is so narrow that hardly anything fits on there.
I like the base brown color very much and the lack of a real roof doesn't seem to detract from the overall house.
That's very true, and I just realized the building itself is very modular. I think there will be lots of options for stacking and re-arrangng. No
System WHY?! this time!
Would you let me have the part numbers for the top and the roof pieces and for the stools as well, please?
Certainly, there is:
- the white frame for the stool: 30 22 4473
- the black seating for the stool: 30 22 4483
- protruding corner roof piece: 30 22 3553
- long straight roof piece: 30 22 3533
- short straight roof piece: 30 22 3523
- regular corner roof piece: 30 22 3543
Let me know if there are any other numbers you need.
I'd really wanted to bring the new pool and exercise room back with me. Alas, no.
Yeah, the exercise room is already available on the Belgian and German Playmobil website, but the store here did not have that set yet. It's on my wish list too
I like the details but the way that dress fits on Sonia does NOTHING for her figure.
Quite right
At the Playmobil isle there were two Dutch girls (I think they were around 8 and 10 years old) who were very excited about all the new stuff. They totally loved the removable dresses.
And they spent quite some time groping the F?gure bags to find the ones they wanted - it's not just us!