I bought the 5608 western carrying case for it has the most cool sheriff klicky in existence. This is of course as far as I'm concerned. I already made some pictures for a review but found that there is already one here at the forum. (See
link) This review is very good, but it did not pay homage enough to the sheriff.
So gladly I made some shots with this cool sheriff in action and we could imagine a little story here. Actually, it's a tribute to the coolest sheriff klicky of the northern hemisphere....and southern too.
What if this sheriff would meet, not the guy which is in his own case, but the one who he is really looking for on the mugshot.
Would he freak out and flee with his tail between his legs like a beaten dog. (If you're wondering what the Mexican guitarist is doing in the back.....well that's his theme music....
every hero's got to have some (Quote from the movie I'm gonna git you sucka))