Author Topic: Shadows and Kings.  (Read 12382 times)

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2014, 17:35:22 »
((thanks, this chapter is soon drawing to a close. But I already have the pictures for the two chapters after this.  :) ))

While the wounded Jory is overpowered by the soldiers and the last falcon soldier is defeated, King Raymond pushes against the crossbowman to keep him from firing.
"Run! We must leave now!" He yells at the others.

And so they flee, Queen Dominique up front. Her eyes are on Jory's attackers. Sadly there is nothing they can do now, they must get away!

Blackwood soldier: "Shall I move in now my Queen? I am sure I can stab one or two of the Lion soldiers in the back before they know what hit them."

Queen Morina: "Don't be foolish. You are clearly outmatched against the Dread Baron. We will just wait and see how this will play out."

King Phillip is stopped by a soldier as he tries to leave, and Queen Dominique stands before the Dread Baron when she turns to run out of the castle!
Dread Baron: "I told you not to try and get past me, now I will have your head!"

Queen Dominique screams in fear as the Dread Baron moves in on her.

As he is about to strike at Queen Dominique, Sir Godfrey jumps on his back, wounded, and keeps him from attacking the Queen!
"Run! take my horse! I can't hold him!"

Instinctively Queen Dominique rushes to Godfrey's horse and climbs on it.

"You are a true hero sir Godfrey." She struggles to hold back her tears as she sees the Dread Baron overpower the brave knight that just saved her.

A soldier tries to catch the Queen, but the horse gallops away the moment Queen Dominique is on it.
Godfrey drops his sword from his hand, too wounded to put up a fight. "I yield."
Dread Baron: "Gah, I'll not give you the pleasure of a quick death. Tomorrow morning you are the first on the chopping block!"

While Queen Dominique got away, there is no escape for the rest of them. King Ragnar has been subdued by the soldiers. He was too focused on trying to hurt Prince Edward that he did not see them coming.

Prince Edward: "Lock them all up. I will bring all the kingdoms of the continent on their knees now that I have their rulers."
Soldier: "What about the knights and soldiers?"
Prince Edward: "Put them in the prison as well."
Soldier: "It may be too crowded sire."
Dread Baron: "We may as well get rid of them now, we only need the royalty."
Prince Edward: "No, keep pushing untill it fits. I want them all in prison. These nations their finest knights can be used for ransom."

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2014, 18:27:25 »
Reluctantly, the kings and queens walk into the prison.

King Phillip: "Your father would be very disappointed in you, Prince Edward."
Prince Edward: "He lacked ambition and brought ruin to the kingdom I was destined to rule. I will be a greater king than he ever was!"
King Oberon: "This cannot end well for you, young prince. You just declared war on countries you know very little about."
Prince Edward: "I don't need to know much about your country, old man. It is just forests and wild stories. The same for Blackwood. I know all about the weaknesses of Falcona, my soldiers are already marching to destroy King Phillip's castle, Chivalia may have many knights but they would never risk the death of their king and queen. Craftkeep does not even have an army, just three knights now that I captured one of them. And the Vikings are but simple minded barbarians."
King Ragnar mumbles under his breath several very unpleasant things that he'd like to do to Prince Edward.

Dread Baron: "Move along woman. You are going to prison along with the others. Your soldier too."

Queen Morina: "It is a shame that such an impressive man as yourself is reduced to be the puppet of a little prince. You are meant for greater things."
Dread Baron: "Your kingdoms are going to make me filthy rich. That little prince is just a means to an end. Now move!"
Queen Morina smiles as she moves to the prison. "Practical as well, I like that. I will keep an eye on you."

King Phillip: "All hope is not lost.. his soldiers might be marching on my castle, but my Dominique knows all the shortcuts.. She will be there faster to warn them."
King Raymond: "It is hopeless.. he was right about our knights.. they would never risk us getting hurt."
King Ragnar: "He will never set foot on my island.. a captured king is no king.. Another will replace me, and will crush him at sea."
Queen Valeria: "We cannot lose hope. We will get out of here."
King Oberon: "Indeed.. it is never wise to make enemies, especially not when making this many at once. And new enemies may yet reveal themselves to attack him as he spreads his forces too thin."

Prince Edward: "Put them all in prison, wounded or not. Throw in some bandages along with them and they can bandage their wounded themselves."

Prince Edward: "You are going into prison as well, Gregorius."

Gregorius: "What?! but I did not give away your plans!"
Prince Edward: "Of course not, you would have died if you did. But this is my castle now."
Gregorius: "No, you can't do this!"
Prince Edward: "I will be king of an entire continent! I can do whatever I please!"

Prince Edward: "That was all of them. Thank you, good gate keeper. Your service has been most heplfull."

Gatekeeper: "I saw an opportunity when I read my master's letter and am happy to serve you, King Edward."
Prince Edward smiles. "King Edward? Not yet but I soon will be. It may be nicer to get crowned king of the entire continent at once!"

With everyone locked up, Prince Edward and the Dread Baron move up to the balcony while the soldiers clean things up.

Prince Edward: "I am not happy at all about Queen Dominique's escape. I want you to catch up with the army and make sure Cedric does not survive."
Dread Baron: "I am sure your army can handle it. He can't put up any fight as it is. Besides, only your personal bodyguards know we are allies. Your army sees me just as well as the enemy."
Prince  Edward: "That is why I did not take them here for this take over yes.. but what they do know is that King Phillip betrayed me. You will merely be a helping hand who knew all along about King Phillip's true nature. You will be a rebellious hero to them."
The Dread Baron grins. "Rebellious hero.. I like the sound of that. Besides, it would be boring to just stay here.. I rather go where the action is."

It seems like all hope is nearly lost.. but is it really? Will Queen Dominique reach the castle safely to warn the others?
Soon this will be revealed.

((Will be continued soon, sadly can't finish it right now due to lack of time, will try and post the ending tomorrow!))
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 09:12:46 by Rhalius »

Offline Birdie

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #72 on: September 13, 2014, 07:43:36 »
Very interesting fight with lots of twists and turns, how wonderful!

I'm still a fan of Queen Morina's, can't help it, she's so funny  ;D

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #73 on: September 13, 2014, 10:17:04 »
Very interesting twist in the story and great pictures  :love:
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #74 on: September 13, 2014, 12:46:37 »
Thanks.  :) I try to keep it all a bit unexpected here and there.

Unfortunatly I have no time today to post the ending of this chapter.  :( It will be tomorrow. Been busy with errands all morning, need to go to a birthday in a moment and have to work the evening.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #75 on: September 13, 2014, 19:52:09 »
Great continuation. We are (somewhat) patient, we can wait (a little).

Offline Rhalius

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #76 on: September 14, 2014, 22:33:14 »
Queen Dominique arrives back at her castle after a fast and quite uncomforteable ride. Without a lady's seat, she could not sit properly on the horse in her restrictive dress.

One of the soldiers has already seen her and is quick to open the gate. "Her majesty the Queen has returned, but she if alone!"

Roderick is quick to help the queen off her horse. "What happened, your majesty?"
Little Phillip rushes to his mother, hugging her tightly the moment she stands on the ground.

Queen Dominique returns the hug: "Prince Edward and the Dread Baron knew about the meeting.. they took all the others prisoner. If it where not for Sir Godfrey I would have been a prisoner as well."

Frederick: "We should go resque them straight away!"
Queen Dominique: "I am affraid we cannot do that. Prince Edward's army was not with him, only his bodyguards. He has ordered his army to attack our castle and burn it to the ground!"

Roderick: "One step ahead of us then.. we need to prepare the castle for a siege."
Queen Dominique: "I am affraid it has come to that yes.. I see Sir Herbert is here as well?"
Herbert: "Yes my lady. And I will stay here and help with the castle's defence. I will lead my troops into battle."
Queen Dominique smiles. "It is much appreciated old friend."

Queen Dominique looks around a moment. "How is Cedric doing? Have you been able to find the cure for him?"

Frederick: "It might be best if you ask him yourself my lady." He gestures up towards the balcony.

And indeed! Leaning on the balcony stood Cedric, supported by his younger siblings but smiling nonetheless.

Cedric: "I am feeling better already. Lady Beatrice says I should be able to fight again in several days."

It looks like there finally is some good news. While Cedric will not be able to help fight the Lion's army, his council might give them the edge they need.
But King Phillip, the other kings and queens as well as a good deal of brave knights are still held in captivity. With Prince Edward's army moving in, will they be able to defeat this large army?

It's time to prepare for battle.. how this will end will be seen in the next chapter: Swords and Lions.

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #77 on: September 14, 2014, 23:13:05 »
Great finish to the chapter!

Offline PlaymoMan

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #78 on: September 15, 2014, 16:00:17 »
Great conclusion, looking forward to the next chapter. :clap:

When can we expect the next installment? I am simply too eager!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 20:10:43 by PlaymoMan »
Life's essentials: food, water, shelter and at least one klicky.

Offline Birdie

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Re: Shadows and Kings.
« Reply #79 on: September 15, 2014, 16:04:14 »
This is gonna be good  :munch: