Part Three - The Dangerous Play Area'Oh dear, this looks rather high,' said Billy.

'And this swing is definitely too high,' said Betty.

'Rubbish!' said Skye, 'Look, I'll show you.'

'Are you watching?'

'It's easy!'

'Are you coming up, then?' asked Skye.
'Er, no, we'd better not,' said Billy.

'Don't you want to go on the swing?' said Skye.

'We'd better go back to the cottage and tell Mum and Dad about how dangerous this play area is,' said Billy to Betty.

'Wheeeeeeee!' said Skye.

Upon hearing their children's report about the play area, Norman and Elma went to inspect it for themselves.
'This ladder is absolutely dangerous,' said Norman, 'It's not even fixed in position, but could swing wildly around.'

'And this log is far too high for children,' said Elma, 'Imagine how they could break their bones all over their bodies if they should fall from such a height.'

'I don't approve of children having to brush close to public toilets, nor needing to squeeze through dusty bushes and ferns,' said Elma.

'And those farm volunteers could be a most undesirable influence upon young minds,' said Norman.

'And then there's the danger from the camels,' said Elma.
'Well, the danger from all the animals,' said Norman, 'In my opinion, they are overcrowded, and that poses a health risk to everyone. Still, the ponies look in good condition. And providing the ponies are calm enough, I'm sure that the children will enjoy pony riding. They have enjoyed themselves learning to ride at the Safe And Careful Riding School, haven't they? We must talk to Delshad about it tomorrow.'
Tomorrow: Part Four - Disappointments ... and a Decision