Great review Tahra! Thanks for sharing your opinions as that makes it far more interesting reading!
5537+5538 Figures 7
This time, there isn't something that stands out before having them on hand (like the scot and the archer - or the cavewoman! - in previous series). Same goes for hair, which has been the brightest spot of many series.
I agree, the hair parts are not as exciting as they have been in other Fi?ures Series. In fact there are only
four three new ones (
five four including the green beard) all from existing molds:
1. Classic male in a new green (on Ethel, that's Ethel Merman
). I think both the hair and beard are a different shade of green from previous versions.
2. Long wavy in brown (new colour, as you said Tahra) on the Hippie.
Looped braid in brown (new colour, again as you said) also on the Hippie. EDIT: not new!
4. Long, twisted ponytail in dark pink (new colour) on woman with puppy.
I also agree that it's lazy of Geobra to churn out figures they have already released. And there is an expression in English "too many cooks spoil the broth" which they haven't heard of in Zirndorf!