Very true , Andi ...
However, I am sure that most, if not all, voting systems are somewhat debatable ...
Perhaps, we should all try to see the humour in the scramble for votes and recognition, while at the same time, for those of us who have websites, realizing that our own website really is the best one on the internet ...
Even though I am trying very hard to see the humour, I still wonder how Pete and Rob got SO MANY votes ... ...
All the best,
Hey gentlemen,
we feel somehow offended here!
This discussion really gives the impression that we have manipulated the voting system in some way.
Since is online we have only:
- promoted the link on our website
- promoted the link with the last newsletter for the latest adevntures (Pete & Rob set a new world record:]) to our numerous friends & fans
- we have told manic Pete & Rob supporters (like our parents, nieces etc.) about the voting.
Of course, we like that we have a lot of votes at (wouldn't you like it, too?).
And we agree that our promotion is not really fair (as is more an organized linklist than a voting page), but we disclaim any indicated defraud.
Reading this discussion, we feel like some kind of criminals......Oh my god! We Are! [Playmobil 3161]
@Sylvia: Thx for your support here!