Thanks for the links Karim! The animation is good and I like the overall look of things. Thanks for the translation Ismene. I figured something like that out from the story line but my French is basically nonexistant.
Idem here! The animation is really good actually though a little lack of action IMO, but it could be a cultural thing. If the series were made in USA surely it would be more hectic.
Things look better than I thought they were going to, though I still feel that the characters are way too much stylized and NOT REALLY PLAYMOBIL, the proportions for instance are absolutely off!!! Nevertheless the series captures the simplicity of PM in the backgrounds and decoration (probably they are even too simple, but I see that's good)
There are a couple of things I would like to see taken to real clickies, like the agent's hair style, which I imagine as a PM kid's head but in a grown up size
Overall an OK start. I still wish they had maintained the clickies proportions. To me that's unforgivable.