Author Topic: T-Rex and the flowers  (Read 4438 times)

Offline Raven

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T-Rex and the flowers
« on: May 17, 2014, 13:09:58 »
T-Rex loved flowers and he loved to spend time creating his own flower garden.

One day, after a morning's gardening, he went to buy an ice cream.

Passing the storefront on his way home, T-Rex spotted something out of the corner of his eye.

At the back of the store - were there fairies???

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 13:10:35 »
Yes, she was definitely a fairy.

And she was a fairy too!

'I love fairies,' thought T-Rex.

'Fairies are so beautiful,' he mused, 'Like myself, they love flowers and animals and things of beauty.'

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2014, 13:11:13 »
T-Rex was determined to find out the fairies' address and to go and visit them.

'I must buy them some flowers,' decided T-Rex, 'Because fairies love flowers'.

But when T-Rex reached the fairies' home, he was shocked.

These fairies did not look how he had imagined them.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2014, 13:11:50 »
'Er ... do you like flowers?' T-Rex asked the nearest fairy.

'No,' she said.

'Do any of you like flowers?' asked T-Rex.

'We hate flowers,' they replied.

T-Rex didn't notice Twinny Fairy approaching, dragging something behind her.

And by the time he noticed, it was too late.  He was captured.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2014, 13:12:31 »
'He's so big that he will keep us in meat for a long time,' said Butcher Fairy.

'Yes, but it will take ages to cut up and cook the meat,' said Mechanic Fairy, 'Tie him up and leave him until tomorrow.  I've fixed your bike, so let's hit the town tonight.'

And so, leaving T-Rex tied to a tree, the fairies left by motorbike and car for the town.

White Dog did not go with the fairies, and he approached T-Rex and said, 'May I help you get out of there?'

'Oh, yes please,' replied T-Rex.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2014, 13:13:08 »
And White Dog released T-Rex.

'Thank you so very much,' T-Rex said.

'And now I must hurry and try to reach my home before it gets dark,' continued T-Rex, 'I'm scared of the dark.'

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2014, 13:13:49 »
'Hey!  Don't forget your flowers!' cried White Dog.

'OK, I'll take the flowers,' said T-Rex, 'Bye now, White Dog.'

T-Rex realised that he would not be able to make it home before dark, but luckily he found an old abandoned boat to hide in.

He crawled inside and waited for the daylight to come again in the morning.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2014, 13:14:28 »
In the morning, T-Rex was walking home past a school when he noticed a little boy looking rather sad.

'What's your name, and why do you look so sad?' asked T-Rex.

'Everyone calls me Quad,' answered the boy, 'And I'm sad because I promised to pick some flowers for my friend to give to the teacher, but look - all the flowers have disappeared!'

'I have some flowers,' said T-Rex, 'Your friend can have these, and give these ones to the teacher.'

'That's wonderful!' responded Quad, 'I'll call my friend right away.  Oscar!  OSCAR!  Come here quickly!'

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2014, 13:15:06 »
'Here's Oscar,' said Quad.

'Oscar, this kind T-Rex wants to let you have a bunch of flowers to give to Mr Peace,' Quad told his friend.

'Thank you Mr T-Rex,' said Oscar.

'I'll take them to Mr Peace right now,' he added.

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn

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Re: T-Rex and the flowers
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2014, 13:15:49 »
'Where is Mr Peace?' asked T-Rex.

'There, at the front of the class,' said Oscar.

'Mr Peace, sir,' he called, 'I've brought you flowers.'

'These are for you, to say thank you for forgiving me for breaking your bicycle,' said Oscar to Mr Peace,  'Do you like flowers, sir?'

Have a good time, make life cheerful and bright, dance if you want to, sing if you can, play as long as you live and leave the world with a smile - Lemuel K. Washburn