Well at least you got some nice photos out of it.
Thanks well gotta mark the ocassion I didn't want to be photographed but, it would have really been great if I could have got him to pose behind my BTCV Mini Carbon Army for a group photo really would have been a once in a lifetime shot, ah one can dream
That last picture is a cool one.
Thanks I just looked the other week and saw how suddenly everything had just had a real growth spurt and was looking really green and lush and I've done some photos of Scott and his pals doing footpath work but, I wanted to do some more different ones to show our path and the woodland looking green and lush.
Great pictures, Scott.
Thanks mate
I love that you sneaked a picture with Scott watching them
Thanks I couldn't resist an opportunity like that
Is that an ant on his shoulder (guy with rake, not Ed Muddlebland)?
Yes he's Toby based on one of my friends (Iwant to get him some shorts since my pal wears shorts virtually all year round) I was looking through the photos and I thought hang on what's that on him?
oh wait he's got a bug what luck that that was the clearer photo adds a bit of extra interest.
In the interests of balance, you now need to produce photos of visits by Dodgy Dave and Slippery Nick.
Yeah that'd be good I think it's probably for the best that Mr Cameron doesn't visit otherwise I and probably quite a few others not just in our group would probably be tempted to give him a good punch in the face or worse for a ll he's done for me
. As for Mr Clegg or Eggy Cleggy as I've come to call him I've already had that pleasure my Mum asked me to listen out for anyone delivering parcels while she was out, I heard a knock and answered the door and he says to me "Hello I'm Nick Clegg" right mate first bad move, then he asks me if I'm Sophie or Lynne
bearing in mind that I'm currently transitioning to be a man this didn't go down too well so he gives me a survery and I'm stood there nodding trying to be civil then he asks if they've made a mistake so I say I'm transitioning and leave it at that I'm not about to go into detail with someone like him who's betrayed his roots to join with the elitist Tories, yeah so not exactly the best first impressions there.
Those are great pics! Glad to see mini-Scott again! I'll show that to his pals here
Thanks mate he's been around still busy as ever but, just haven't got round to uploading to many photos at the minute, I hope his friends enjoy seeing that he's doing well and working hard tell them he says hello to everyone